
But was the Phalanx CIWS an "immensely effective self defense system"? I'd argue it wasn't.

No mention of the Templar connection?

Thou doth protest too much!

I actually agree that there can be regional climate/temp effects from urbanization and pollution. SE Asia is particularly bad, and has experienced effects. However, this is not because of CO2 specifically, and the variables and feedback mechanisms are more complicated than first realized. It's certainly not a "global"

I wish more people had your ability to honestly evaluate both sides of the argument.

You may be surprised to learn that much of Colorado isn't perpetually snow covered.

Looks like a fairly even distribution to me. Per NOAA.

Isnt that convenient to say. Its easy to dismiss what we don't agree with.

Not really, the last record holder for a storm with 190mph+ winds was Camille in the Gulf in 1969...

One of the big reasons it costs more to build these kind of projects in the US is the emphasis on redundancy, safety and environment. Sure, it increases costs, but it also ensures that the infrastructure will last long beyond its intended lifespan and that workers, the community, and environment are protected.

Sorry, but that is not the reality.

Absolutely agree!

Explain to me how cutting the payroll tax and boosting unemployment aid would create jobs?

Sounds like PBS is becoming like History Channel. Not reassuring!

Of course the NSA can monitor global internet traffic but what should be a relatively simple website is a total mess.

That's probably a stretch of a comparison.

Good to see the Bath, Maine shipyards still cranking out advanced ships.

I still have my iPhone4, and it works basically the same as day one. Granted its not as fast as my iPhone5, but no surprise there.