
One of the past “exploits” that was hotfixed was that the Raid Boss could be damaged by SHOOTING IT! (As opposed to doing the objective to plant a bomb on it) I mean, how do you miss that? Isn’t that everyone’s first reaction in an FPS like “I wonder if I can shoot it?”

Either it will be good in a year or Ubisoft will simply drop the support for it and move on to developing new games, leaving a broken carcass in their wake.

Meanwhile, the Taken Spring update has made Destiny the best it’s ever been. We welcome all ye Division people back to the Tower with open arms.

My first thought reading about this article was “this guy hasen’t left his apartment in a year, and he is in a relationship”

Part of the fundamental issue involved is how we as a culture frame video games: they’re for fun. It’s an underlying assumption on the part of journalists and many gamers. If you’re playing a game, it needs to feel fun and provoke a sense of enjoyment in you.

The problem with that line of thinking is how it limits

Like a lot of people, I loved every bit of MW2. This level especially because of the reaction I felt playing it. Specifically the opening right before you open fire is one of the few times I’ve actually felt true guilt over something I did in a video game. The brief moment (scripted obviously) where many faces in the

All the people that think this mission is horrible and therefore should be removed seem to have missed the entire point of the mission.

Yes its horrible, thats the fucking point. Terrorism is horrible. And the best way to convey that message, is putting you in the middle of it.

I had heard that the House of Wolves stuff was worth at least half a damn, so I came back to Destiny after a huge lapse in play, so I bought it like two months ago. The horde mode stuff was sort of interesting, so I paid attention for a lil while but inevitably stopped playing.

getting people who would never watch a Madden commercial to watch a Madden commercial.

Ugh, I hope they fixed the stupid latch bug from Gate Simulator 2014.



It’s easy to be cynical about celebrities in general, especially since Bill Cosby turned out to be a fucking monster. But you have to be pretty dead inside not to be inclined to believe, based on the words of Colbert especially as well as those of others, and the mere fact that, like, EVERYBODY contributed and most

Was the icebreaker change really necessary? Seriously? Why not beef up weapons instead of watering themdown. Want to fix the gjallarhorn problem? Pick to rocket launchers and make them suck less. Hunger of Crota is a fantastic rocket launcher. It’s usually one rocket shy of the same effect. Add to its legend. Make it

Tell me about it, I don’t want or have a ton of time to empty every round of ammo I have into an enemy nor is it an effective stratagy in the long. The problem is that all of Destiny’s bosses are all the same: Bigger versions of normal enemies with a ton more health that stand still most of the time and shooting the

Just a heads up to anybody who does follow the Tour: this kind of thing happens a lot.

It’s interesting that what they’re really nerfing about Gally is the culture around it, being that it seems to work as intended functionally.