
When asked how many pages an assignment should, a professor of mine once said the shorter the paper, the more brilliant it should be; the longer the paper, the more interesting it should be. Well, the more gigs a game requires, the better looking it better be. And I'm not sure CoD can justify 40gigs.

"Why don't you cut down on the swearing little boy"

It might sound silly, but honestly, the skies were one of the biggest reasons I was so into the Destiny alpha/beta. Stunning work.

Manhunt, that's it really pushed me how far that game went. Most games did it for comedy value ,but manhunt was just fucking insanity on disk ha. Also BLOOD was brutal as hell as well.

I love how so many responses are like "ROSALINA IS BETTER".

This guy is ridiculously impressive. The recoil control and head-tracking is unreal. And some of those knife kills.. This is what a montage should be. No over-editing, no distracting effects or music, just unadulterated skill on display.