
About. Damn. Time. This has been my biggest issue with Steam and other distribution platforms. Buy a game you didn't like? Tough shit. We didn't provide a demo but tough shit. You can't even sell it on. Each game purchase is a massive risk where there is no way to recover your costs. No big deal for your games that

Less jobs for photographers...two sides to every coin.

Less jobs for photographers...two sides to every coin.

Dem feels when my seven month old kitten is sleeping just in front of my two monitors. I'm so glad he's young but this has depressed me a bit. I don't want him to die even though I'll be in my mid-30s if he lives as long as Guppy. Hell, my mother's friend's cat is 23 now and still pretty well considering.

Yeah, I appreciate what they were going for, but it's just a bit uncomfortable. To its credit, the fact that it's not gritty makes it quite unique, and I suppose, in it's own way, there is a certain clinical beauty to it. It could easily pass itself off as Neo Tokyo or something of that nature.

I was the treecutting badass amongst my friends. MAGIC LOGS, BITCHES. I think those were the highest back then.

Mine worked okay. It's certainly more intensive on the system than I remember. Not that it matters; my components for my new gaming rig are actually arriving by courier in about an hour and a half ;) Muahahahah.

Probably alone on this but I don't like the Mirror's Edge art style. I understand it was done to make a statement about the clinical nature and the need to conform in their dystopia, but I just find it very jarring and uncomfortable. I don't mean that in a poetic sense either; it literally hurts my eyes and puts me

Thirteen years

Absolutely. I have never got a Platinum trophy for any game except Sleeping Dogs. I have a stupidly short attention span but it had me HOOKED.

That's when Steam was bloated. Steam's trimmed down nicely now and I find it starts up pretty quickly. Still has an absolutely piss poor store interface though. The original PS Store, which was basically a web browser complete with cursor was even more bearable.

Speak for yourself. When I was running a Haswell i5 3.4GHz processor with a 2048mb Nvidia Gforce GTX 760 (so respectable specs - nothing too hardcore), Origin noticeably slowed things down. This is the same PC that can play Crysis 3 at a steady 50FPS - sometimes pushing to 60FPS.

Widescreen mode cutting out certain background elements so they just dump a 4:3 mode in there to solve the problem? That's lazy as fuck!

I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

I'm glad someone has the same odd dream as me. I had a thought when I was younger and more imaginative; what if they could create a sort of semi-open source project thats ultimate goal was to (more-or-less) create a digital equivalent of our world. I say semi-open source because developers would need to be reasonably

Haha, I'm not sure if you're making fun of me!

The movie does indeed imply this. My memory is a little sketchy on the lore of Middle-Earth but I believe Sauron studied the Eregion smiths' craft in order to create the One Ring in secret after the other rings had been. Someone call me out if I'm wrong on that. It's been a while.

Rather than spend forty minutes driving from Miami to LA, I would much rather just have forty minutes of driving from one place to another that's actually feasible IRL. I think they've diminished the technological feat they've achieved by condensing a two day journey into forty minutes. It makes the expansive world

Ha! Never fail to amuse, Mr Splosion.

If you have a US account and normally live in the US, they'll be hard-pressed to prove you weren't in the country during the blackout - especially when you consider the fact that they had no idea where any of their users were during said blackout because...well, it's a blackout haha.