
Female assassin ain't nothing new! I mean you had James Kidd/Mary Read. I guessed he was a woman instantly due to the voice being too high and the facial features. Then, when he finally got revealed as a woman, I found it disturbing because the voice is too deep for a woman.

They seriously need to adopt the Sarcasm Mark already. It's been proposed on many occasions over the past few centuries but we need it more than ever now!

Medication for depression gets a bad rap. Antidepressants didn't work for me, but that was because I needed a mood stabiliser, due to having manic phases between the bouts of depression. I have a friend who has made amazing progress with medication - although I would hasten to add that medication alone is rarely a

Yeah, I agree that assigning yourself a task to be done - whether work or leisure - can be immensely helpful. Whether that's picking something up as an errand (I tend to assertively ask my mother if she needs me to do anything) or, like you say, even just going for a Starbucks; that said, coffee is out of the question

I love how he kept it nice and neutral for a while and then, all of a sudden, this seething passive aggressiveness kicked in with that last paragraph. Beautiful.

Getting out of bed was difficult for a long time. Then one day, I gradually got over that because I bought myself a cat. I'd grown up around a feral shelter, but I'd never had a pet cat of my own. The fact that she cried at the bedroom door because she wanted me to get up with her and make her breakfast motivated me.

Are you trying to wreck the Sim games, EA? First, Sim City and now this. It's not the lack of pools and toddlers I have a problem with; it's the principle. You let EA take minor features away from The Sims and they'll start taking everything. Even worse is the fact that they'll probably reintroduce it as DLC and

Looks nice, but can I justify spending £350 for a PS4 and then forking out for GTA V, which I already own? Not so sure the improvement is that significant to warrant the upgrade. The biggest things I noticed in that were busier roads, more vibrant vehicle and street lighting, (extremely) long grass, improved shadows

Different strokes, different folks and all that. I had no doubt there would be loyal C-stick lovers out there. I'm sure for some people it works great. i think I wouldn't have minded it if it was slightly larger so the thumb could sort of sit on it a bit more and of they made it so that the gap for the joystick to be

What? How the fuck does that work? I'd better move to the Middle East as soon as possible! I'm at risk!

I'm 22 and I feel old. I know it's absurd, but I can't convince myself otherwise at the moment. Maybe old isn't the word - perhaps I'm on the cusp of career settling.

More stable than BF4 at this present moment for me (well, tonight anyway - not any other time). Maybe EA -gasp- listened to their consumers and got a half-decent set of servers for this beta? FUCK ME.

Very astute. That didn't even occur to me.

Woah, someone saying fair enough on Kotaku (or the internet in general). Don't see that too often. I have to admit, I actually agree with you that women and men do indeed walk differently and have different mannerisms. If not for Cooper's input combined with the fact that he was on the ACIII team, I would definitely

Pretty sure Jonathan Cooper's credentials as the animation director of the previous Assassin's Creed game outstrip yours in this instance. I don't doubt that you may well be talented, but considering he's worked on the series and quite clearly stated that Aveline shares a lot of her movements with Connor, then this

Ehehehehe. You might be waiting a while.

I have Crohn's Disease and it basically put me through a spell of severe depression and suicidal ideation for almost two years of my life. Why the fuck did I laugh at that?!

Yeah, the GC's C-Stick was an abomination.

Y'know, I never thought of it before, but I really DO have a hell of a lot of Steam games I either bought on sale (or gifted to me because they were on sale), which I know I'm never going to finish. Trine 2, I'm looking at you...

Why won't Sony save the Vita?! It's a beautiful machine with so much potential! Please, Sony! Just do something.