
They were cheap and flimsy. I've seen many a UMD casing cracked.

I'm numb to this kind of shit. Internet access has ruined my psyche.

Nah, I can see why you'd think that. Years of therapy have kind of trained me not to automatically assume that people are being dicks so I'm constantly trying to see the good side of people. Perhaps that's why I'm so forgiving of them haha. I can kinda see it being taken sarcastically as well. Take the comment that

I'd have thought feminists would have more of a problem with "That is a fantastic chest". Surely the objectification part of the comment is a bigger deal?

Nah, I hear you. I can see why you'd think of it that way. I could also see people thinking someone is being sarcastic when they say it. After several years of psychological intervention, I've kind of been trained to stop instantly seeing everything in the worst light (most of the time anyway). I think people less au

Steady on there. I'm overreacting hardcore? You just tried to bite my head off for suggesting that Nintendo are doing badly compared to their previous generation. That is 100% true. They will never be able to replicate that kind of success.

I think it's endearing. Sounds cynical but internet manners are generally so poor that talking to someone even slightly polite online makes my day haha.

Can I just ask why you'd want cold brew coffee? Does it taste different? I would say it's a method of producing iced coffee, but this isn't really iced per se - more room temperature, judging by this guide. Plus, I'm pretty sure if you wanted to make iced coffee, it would be quicker for you to make hot coffee, chill

I agree completely. Sega too, providing you were born early enough. How much longer will this be the case though? I'm seeing kids choosing the less "kiddy" consoles as their first choice more and more these days. Might explain all the ten year olds that still pervade the Call of Duty lobbies.

I will always miss Start and Select :(

I really fear for Nintendo's future. I can't see them failing as a company, but I think they're slowly realising that their priorities are going to have to change in order to compete. They've always considered themselves a supernumerary entity - not involved with the standard Sony vs Microsoft war. As arrogant as it

Times like this are when I realise how lucky I am to be European. Proper healthcare, great food, even better booze and the knowledge that there isn't a murderer/rapist/boogeyman on every street corner so I don't have to carry a gun to feel safe.

I guess I just find it a bit depressing that you live in fear of violence to such an extent that you feel the need to arm yourself. Is this a prevalent attitude amongst females in the US? Still, if it's legal there and you really feel that unsafe then whatever floats your boat, I guess. Can't say I envy you.

Terribly sad that you live in a locale that has an army of rapists and murderers patrolling the streets. I think you should seriously consider relocation if only a gun will make you feel safe. How is it that most civilised European countries outlaw casual gun ownership (and the US' stance is comparatively casual) yet

Oh, I absolutely agree. It would cause further problems and hostility and probably increase crime rates if done so heavy handedly. It would definitely be a slow process - perhaps decades even. The first steps would be education, stricter background checks and denying permits for weapons that are deemed to be too

Yes, we've discovered!

Also, what of Chinese knife attacks? There's over a billion of them and their laws and society in no way emulate those of the UK or Australia, which are generally the countries that have been cited in this debate.

Violent crime rates have gone up because our country is reaching crisis level with regards to xenophobia, racism and inequality (both financial and social). Our recent election results are demonstrating this, given that a significant portion of the country voted for a far-right extremist party for the first time.

The difference between a medium/long-range weapon and a set of fists or an instrument such as a rock or pipe is temptation. Someone with a gun has a better chance of causing harm or killing someone while coming out with little to no injuries; someone who has to walk up to someone and physically attack them are going

Here's the thing. Gun owners love to whine about how they need their guns to protect their family and property. Given the current state of gun control in the US, I understand completely.