Switzerland have tight regulations and the majority of people receive extensive military and safety training. Invalid argument. Please try again.
Switzerland have tight regulations and the majority of people receive extensive military and safety training. Invalid argument. Please try again.
You hear that Mr. Adavaas? That is the sound of inevitability. It is the sound of your gun "rights" being taken away. Goodbye, Mr. Adavaas.
You know, it's pretty startling how little that actually happens. We can actually go to school and college without being riddled full of bullet holes. Before you protest that those are isolated incidents, be aware tat I'm only applying the same logic that you applied to UK/Australia.
Sorry, you've lost me. What's this for?
No, actually. I look at the trailer of every new one and think "Shit". This is the first time in a while that I've been mildly interested. Not enough to pre-order, but I'll be keeping my eye out.
I have less of a problem with this marketing in comparison to the "buy into our cool lifestyle" bullshit that many companies, including A&F push so heavily. Either my priorities are fucked or I just appreciate the unconventional.
This is basically end of discussion. Well done, sir!
No he's not. He's proposing they remove the obligatory tipping and making businesses pay their staff higher wages instead of putting them at the mercy of their customers. You know, like the majority of reasonable countries.
Exactly. Mandatory tipping is a disgrace.
Number one reason I will never live in North America. I know waiters are paid piss poor wages there and tips make up a lot of it, but they're paid piss poor wages here too and tips are, in no way, an obligation. They should just increase the prices of the meals and pay their staff better wages so at least the tipping…
Dash looks cool, but waiting for a beta invite can take bloody ages and sometimes the invite never even materialises. Automatic is just pointless since $99 is offensively overpriced. I have yet to meet somebody who's paid that much for an app; this is the part where people pipe up and yell, "I have". If that's the…
Couldn't you have mentioned at the top of the article that this was for Android users only (that beta doesn't count)? Three minutes of my life wasted.
There is nothing tasteful or meaningful about torture; why would you want it to be so?
This brings back so many painful memories. Trying and trying and trying and never getting noticed. Now that I'm no longer a 15 stone whale, I actually get asked out on dates, instead of the other way around. The problem is that I no longer care much for sex or even intimacy - I get asked out on dates and I turn them…
Exactly. As if we're any different. I have plenty of female friends who I would not bang. I was told a long time ago that was impossible - the more juvenile version of me believed it too. Cringe.
Thank you! I didn't get where the hostility came in; this guy has given no indication that he's angry or hateful. He's just sad that he's been shunned unmaliciously; as if that makes it any easier - sometimes the ones who are unintentionally shunning you are the most frustrating because you want to just shake them and…
No they are not. Them's some excellent gifs.
I know you fine people will be able to help me with this. I take various medications that cause me to sweat profusely at night, so I'm wondering if there's a pillow out there that actually stays cold?
I did get better at it. Finished it, didn't I? ;) It had little moments where I felt like "Oh, this isn't so bad," but ultimately I felt deflated after playing at. Shame, but you can't love 'em all. I usually love challenging games too. I'm the only guy I know personally who was masochistic enough to finish European…