
I don't know how "ultimately" came out like that. Fucking autocorrect.

Dark Souls frustrated me to no end. I did manage to finish it, which I am proud of. However, that endeavour was uktimafelt only to try and prove the point that I was capable of doing it. I sold it on for £5 and I've never looked back. Nothing but memories of irritation.

Ah-ha! This could be interesting! I actually do quite like this idea of LifeHacker committing itself to some edgier content (just not when I'm eating my sammich). As you guessed correctly, I did not catch this memo, so thanks for the heads-up!

Or a Jew?

I can't travel for more than two weeks at a time. I have a medication called Humira, which needs to be refrigerated and taken every two weeks. The healthcare company deliver the medication every two weeks as and when I need it, i.e. no stockpiling. So yeah, fuck my life. Travel dreams ruined.

I clicked this article out of curiosity, thinking there was no way it could be referring to the facial that immediately sprung to my mind.

Yeah, that's a deal-breaker for me. I like that different factions have different units. It's a major draw...for me anyway. May not be for everyone, I guess.

Cannons and magpies. Cannons and fucking magpies. How tranquil.

I saw King Kong grabbing a pair of titties, a la Clockwork Orange rape scene. That was interesting.

I saw King Kong grabbing a pair of titties, a la Clockwork Orange rape scene. That was interesting.

Sounds up my street. I'm a casual anime watcher at best - with the notable exceptions of DBZ/GT and GitS. The last anime I watched was From Up On Poppy Hill, and that was a movie haha.

I've got a few to try it. Seemed to be about 60:40 (worked:didn't work).

Space Dandy!!!! Everyone keeps telling me to watch this.

Gotta build up your gag reflex. Ease into it, baby.

Translation: We can't afford to pay a big dev team to make AAA games.

Tag moderators are first on the agenda then?

I normally find your contributions quite interesting, but I'm disappointed you felt the need to quash Tasty Whale's perfectly valid point. Even if we never find out the precise reason that JewWario chose to end his life, the fact remains that depression was the most probable motive and, as such, the internet at large

I'll stick with Johnny Klebitz and his motorbike. That handles beautifully. Not that I'll ever really go back and play IV now anyway. V is far superior and even that has been tucked away into the archive now.

EUCH. I forgot how awful the driving was in GTA IV.

So many people are now too young to have played or even heard of a game that I remember like it was only a couple of years ago. Shit, that makes me feel old and I'm only 21 years old (and 19 months).