
Thank you! I'll give it a go. Herbal remedies are my only real option now, since non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (painkillers like aspirin, ibuprofen, etc.) are off-limits for me - too harsh on the digestive system :/ Anything's worth a try and I do have faith in herbal remedies (sensible ones) for symptom

I feel your pain!! Sore joints are not fun in the morning! Especially in winter :( Having Crohn's Disease seems to have prematurely given me some degree of 22, which is rather unfortunate. They do say it could have been the steroids messing with my body though.

If you're self-employed and running your own businesses, networking is something that you absolutely should do. Yes, it's kind of cringe-worthy, but it really, really, REALLY helps. I'm a Business, Management and Economics tutor and I recently ran an Enterprise Club for my students where a local entrepreneur came in


Like sheep, there is no alternative word for the plural version of aircraft.

This won't last. In a world where downloadable games are becoming ever more prevalent, 500GB for any moderately serious gamer with a modest income is appalling. And what if you download 500GB of games and then buy yourself a 2TB hard drive? You then have to go through the process of redownloading ALL the games you

This is no good (for some people anyway) if you want to do something other than game. Still, it seems pretty damn awesome, and it wouldn't be a problem for me so screw it, I'ma go buy!

Manuals are on the way out in America?! What a shame :/

In all likelihood, they will probably bring it down to a more competitive price, even if they've said to the guy that there were no plans to do so at the moment. Price wars are going to be rampant for both consoles between now and the beginning of next year. To price the bundle above everybody else (unless they are

No worries, dude. It was only in jest. I don't mean it really. Social media is a huge part of corporate PR these days so I realise it is a considerable responsibility when you choose to undertake that duty.

Now that would be more reason for being seriously pissed off. Not "Sorry, we can't change the price because we have to pay tax, while Amazon don't."

Social Media Manager: get paid to do what most of the Internet do in their spare time anyway.

Well, you've only proved my point, you see. Most companies pander to the needs of the abusive in pursuit of cash, when more people, quite frankly, need to learn some manners. You clearly work for one of these companies - there's nothing wrong with that, it just makes you part of the majority.

I wish. Maybe I could actually afford a PS4 then haha.

They also have a points scheme, which is quite good too!

And I applaud the companies who have this mentality. Hence, why I don't think ShopTo's mistake is really as bad as some people are making it out to be.

Sorry, but being mad at a company and being abusive are two very different things. Although ShopTo were wrong in this instance (as I said), they have more than made up for their error (to the tune of half a grand's worth of gaming goodness - how many companies would do that?).

For people who aren't acquainted with ShopTo, I feel I should point out that they are an excellent retailer. In fact, I would say they are by far the best online games retailer in the UK.

I can't speak for PC, but using a PS3 controller on Mac is ridiculously easy.

Next gen version? Source?