
Wow. He sounds like a robot.

I don't even know why I'm complaining - I'm barely gonna have time to play the damn game. Oh well...

My mother has had her iPhone 3G since release in 2008. Cosmetically, it looks absolutely fine. Very few drops and has been in a sturdy Otterbox-esque case for many years. However, as of 2013, it is in a condition where it can barely open most apps. As a matter of fact, many apps are not even compatible with her phone

Don't get me wrong. I do love countryside. Red Dead Redemption is easily in my top 5 favourite games ever. Even if the city is smaller than Liberty City by a little, I'm sure the game will still be great.

Hm, thought as much. Ah, fuck it. It'll still be good anyway. Even if the map is smaller.

But countryside lacks the richness and diversity of a cityscape. Having so much countryside and a rather small looking city feels like they're compromising on creating a quality Los Santos experience by using the countryside as filler.

The squarest island you've ever seen.

I hope this is the case.

Look at the actual width of the streets though. I bet if you scaled the GTA IV map up so the major streets in Liberty City were the same width as the major streets in Los Santos, Liberty City would definitely be bigger. I hope I'm wrong, I really do. Having countryside is cool and all, but not if it detracts from

It's small.

Yep. The city still looks small.

As amazing as this seems, I can see Sony screwing it up so badly. Remote Play on PS3 was a dreadful system. It was laggy and I never actually found a PS3 game that could be streamed via Remote Play - only PS1 Classics seemed to work for me.

The only reason the DE safety razors didn't win this poll is simply because the majority of people have never tried them...

*Most computer-based jobs.

BA actually sounds affordable. I'd kind of subconsciously ruled 'em out since I'm a recent graduate going onto postgrad teaching. My uncle flies BA a lot for work but I know that's only because of work. I guess I always assumed they were expensive for that reason - but I shall now do some digging.

Also, don't worry,

Wow, that's a great price! I'm having some trouble finding decent flights. I'm from the UK too (Cardiff) and I have only ever met one Brit who's visited Japan. Unfortunately, he died several years ago and I didn't know him particularly well anyway.

Thank you PSN Classics for bringing this game back to me when I lent the original one to my, that's not right. Whatever, it was a long time ago, okay?

Yeah, I heard something along those lines a few years ago. National Geographic or Lonely Planet I think.

DAMMIT! I WAS GONNA STEAL everybody else.

Sounds like fanboy talk to me...