
100 pennies in a pound... that's metric, mate. We don't live in the damn '60s. Metric isn't really something you apply to the currency system anyway.

Did that promo video just end with "Look at this shit"?

Exactly what I thought. They were making it out that all this signing in bollocks was a requirement for the entire network infrastructure to function properly. So that was a crock, basically.

Quite right! To its credit! I've gotta say, despite the Wii U's terrible reception and marketing, I actually do hold some respect for Nintendo simply because it's committed to focusing primarily on gaming. Microsoft, on the other hand, have gone completely the opposite direction, while Sony are kind of halfway.

America ≠ The world

Meh. Not a fan of an external hard drive for a console. They should have offered a model with a bigger hard drive. 500GB is pathetic considering the largest HDD size Sony offer now is 320GB. The games are presumably gonna be larger this time round too. 500GB really isn't that much anymore.

I'm finding the download versions of games are far more expensive than going on the hunt for a disc-based copy. When NHL 13 came out, it was £60 (!!!) on the store, yet I found a copy of the game in my local supermarket for £35. I really cannot stand the thought of game sales being monopolised. They'd be able to

It's funny how plausible that sounds.

Anaemia is way more common than people realise. Get it checked. I have Crohn's so it pretty much comes as part of the package but it's nice and easy to remedy - assuming you don't have gastrointestinal upset from the iron tablets anyway. That being the case, they'll give you infusions for it.

Precisely. Mulit-national, multi-billon dollar corporations deserve no sympathy. There's a reason they got that way in the first place, and it wasn't by being nice to the consumer. You enter this market, you be prepared to take some harsh blows or GTFO. No excuses, Microsoft. Not even one.

Just market the damn thing properly! The price is a little on the high side too (in the UK at least).

Lesser of two evils. People are allowed to place more value on some things than others. Subscription fee (which is cheaper than Microsoft's I should add) is hardly a big deal given that I get to keep my consumer rights to buy and sell as I please as well as not having to log in every 24 hours. I'll take the fee,

Look, it's not a big deal. In the current gen, it's a major pull factor of the PS3. I'm a little disappointed but, think about it, Sony have done EVERYTHING right this time around.

What he said! ^

The first Xbox? As in...the Xbox One?

I've said it many times and I'll say it again. Even if a game was to blame, that's no good reason to ban them. People are killed over so many different reasons: cheating wives; insults at a football game; not being tipped at a restaurant; poor customer service; road rage; jealousy of wealth. The list goes on and on.

This. By definition, a meme is only a meme if its shared and passed on. Warner Bros have only really continued the trend. Also, these dudes are requesting treble damages? That makes for about $0 worth of damages then. Has this actually cost them any money? Of course not.

I know people give the Wii U a lot of crap (myself included), but I am really disappointed it hasn't taken off. The technology is actually pretty cool and I do enjoy playing it - my cousin has one and Lego City Undercover is a fantastic little game. The marketing was just awful. They've executed it all wrong. As many

So Superman now looks like he should have been a character in Grease?

In which case, you wouldn't wanna put up with his shit for a year anyway.