
Actually, I won't buy Fez because it's shit. Not giving this guy cash is just a bonus.

Thank you! That was like a perfect answer! Good to know.

Wrong. I absolutely cannot see a time where I'll sit down and watch an iPad or a phone screen instead of my TV. A big part of the reason is the sound I get from my 7.1 surround sound system - god it's great when a PS3 game supports full 7.1.

Laptops or desktops seem more feasible candidates than mobile devices, and

Hey guys. I'm from the UK and I'm wondering why they release these games? I know NCAA represents college sports. But are there like a subset of fans who are utterly devoted to college ball and not the NFL?

And you killed some time in the process! Bonus points!

Could not have said it better myself! Promote this man.

EDIT: I just had a look at the website. I don't know why, but it didn't really click with me that this was only a section of the game. I guess there's a lot more to it than just that! Fair enough then!

This doesn't really sound up my street. I'm all for an emotionally resounding game like Journey or Papo & Yo, but this just seems kind of weird. I presume the hopeless clicking is meant to represent that indescribable sense of futility when we face potential loss? I get that but it just seems like I'd be going out of

You are missing a lot, my friend. the novels are wonderfully engaging (except maybe the fourth, which I struggled a bit with). The TV show is an excellent companion, but don't take either too seriously as they do differentiate quite significantly - a trend that seems to increase as we go on.

Nope. Expanded Universe is always authorised by Lucas.

Completely okay. When you're in a shop and a price is marked as cheaper than intended, the labelled price must be honoured - at least this is the case for the UK (and I'm sure numerous other countries). Similarly, it's not a crime to purchase items that are scanning cheaply or free because of a price database

Exactly! What's so unusual?

So have the entire game industry just turned into eunuchs now? Get a grip.

Man, the GTA IV engine looks like shit...did it always or is that just the fact that it's been like 5 years?

Healthy oils, like olive oil, are great. However, not all oils are healthy. This includes vegetable oil, one of the most common. Vegetable oil has unhealthy trans fats, which are worse than saturated fats (the ones present in butter). Also oil isn't always a perfect butter substitute - I wouldn't want a ham sandwich

Surely they can scale the game down to make it run locally? I don't care that much about watching thousands of people have individual unique schedules. Just make a few presets for certain types of citizens and let me just build my damn city.

Significant engineering can be paid for with significant cash. EA is a company with more than significant cash. Deal with it.

Hey you know what you are?

I liked DWD but FFC really was something I had to grind through. It had its moments but I found it featured the less interesting storylines/characters.

Wonder if someone will figure out a way to make the game offline... I hope so.