
Yeah, you're probably right. The Reese's saltiness compensates for the sickliness of the chocolate, which makes it acceptable to me. Still, I don't think the Reese's chocolate is the same chocolate as is in a Hershey's bar, right? Hershey's bars seem quite shiny and dark considering the sweetness (maybe I'm mad, but I

Personally, I have to say that Milka or Lindt are my favourite mass-produced chocolates. There are lesser known chocolate companies who I like even more, but they're the type that are handmade and charge you £25 for a reasonably small box (Christmas/birthday gift material). It is fantastic stuff though.

I think it's just because I have an addiction to nuts and peanut butter really.

And so you should. Cadbury isn't even that great - it's the most common chocolate that you will see in every shop (like your Hershey's)...

Saw it straight away.

My cynical side agrees completely. Companies like Kickstarter and IndieGoGo are effectively doing the same job as a stockbroker - minus the selling of stocks. Transferring money invested by an individual to a company for the purposes of fund generation. As an investor in a venture, I would expect a return or dividend,

"Having a touchpad or touch input we really wanted to do because, these days, all these devices have touch control"

It's a real shame that so many people in the industry are being put out of work. How can such a lucrative industry (especially nowadays with paid DLC and extortionate pricing models) be so prone to total failure or at the very least cutting the amount of studios? THQ, Psygnosis, Rockstar, Zipper, Bondi. If Visceral

Very little to show in terms of hardware yesterday apart from the controller and some processor specs. Controller was a double-edged sword - more features and refinement but a bit uglier than the current DualShock.

Oh for goodness sake. The industry is male-dominated. Get over it. Sony shouldn't have to force females out on stage just to keep the peace. It is what it is. Mountains from mole hills.

Oh, that's funny. Because driving instructors can't issue licences in the UK...

I can't help but agree with you entirely. They need to get back in touch with the consumer again.

This is what I'm trying to do but I can't seem to push down these damn misgivings. Just fingers crossed, eh?

Read above ^^^

"Seriously though..."


I call PS Home on Vita ;) Classic dick-move Sony.

99p for a prawn ring party platter. Why wouldn't I go to Iceland?

Internally there's no issue; I never suggested this was the case. The difficulties only arise on a physical level i.e. actually fitting the plugs in without other plugs getting in the way.

Hmm, the box would have to be flipped horizontally for UK plugs since nearly all our plugs are L-shaped as opposed to the straight US and Euro plugs. Can't have one socket directly above another as the cable would get in the way. Got a feeling a horizontal adaptation won't look as good. Plus it would take up more desk