This is the internet. Jokes don't get old.
This is the internet. Jokes don't get old.
Even if video games are the cause of aggression, the guns are the enablers for the most serious crimes to take place. Seriously guys, haven't you realised that your constitution is the laughing stock of the rest of the developed world yet?
Best thing I've seen all day. Mind you, it is 00:31.
I hear you on "lucking out" in terms of digestive problems. My digestive system makes me damn miserable.
The beard wasn't even impressive.
I've never played Guild Wars 2 but this picture makes me want to.
Sword Coast in Baldur's Gate doesn't look particularly inspirational.
Old Dante did look cooler but the game is still pretty fun.
I thought the Canadian bacon was unfamiliar. In the UK I think the choice is either sausage, sausage and egg, bacon (like normal back bacon) or bacon and egg.
Hey, everyone is already unironically calling Far Cry 3 "Skyrim With Guns."
Am I missing something? None of the radio towers in Far Cry 3 have taken me more than a minute or two and I've done them all. Some were challenging but nothing a quick look up couldn't solve.
Is there anything really to do in Sleeping Dogs though? I recently downloaded San Andreas on PSN and I remember why I loved it. There was just so much to do! I haven't been able to emulate that experience on any game this generation, except maybe Red Dead Redemption, but then that game is lot of open space with some…
The Ouya has just been promoted to my "Gadget to Get 2013".
You read wrong. No one's saying you have to pretend to be something you're not. Just stop drawing attention to facts about you that clearly have no relevance to whether you game or not.
Mouse pointer on a console? A little primitive... but I'm going to allow this. For now.
Wii U seems to be doing its own thing...
I have no issues with female gamers but I take offence at female gamers who make a point of telling everyone how female they are and how much they game. Irrespective of gender, you're a gamer (this goes for any other hobby/job). It comes across as immensely self-entitled and many hardcore feminists come across as the…
I realise the love for GameStop itself is pretty low but I still fret at the destruction of the used games market :/ I'm not keen on making purchases any larger than £10/£15 if it's on a download-only basis - unless of course I've played it with a friend or something and I can validate it from personal experience.…