
Good move I think. Lots of people said GTAIV was a letdown but not many really considered their lack of experience with seventh-gen consoles as a relevant factor. With games like Red Dead Redemption and Max Payne as a testament to them overcoming those problems, it seems only fitting that they have one last stab at

Completely agree with you. I described it as "copy-and-paste" in a previous post. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it though! Apparently Just Cause 2 is still massively larger than this map so that's positive I guess. Rockstar managed to make Red Dead Redemption have an interesting map and that one was loaded with

It kind of amused me how MY day-to-day Niko was a brutal villain who thought nothing of whacking people over with cars or blowing up half a street. Yet occasionally I'd be given an option to not kill someone in a mission and all of a sudden Niko would feel like a fucking saint. Ahhh.

Clock? Where can I find this? My Clock app just shows the same stuff as it did before - Alarms, Timer, Countdown, Time Zones.

Instantly want to play GTA.

The Glenlivet 18 Year Old is possibly my favourite Scotch. Granted, it's not the kind of über-rare stuff the connoisseurs go for; it can be bought fairly easily if you know where to look (though more difficult than the 12 or 15 Year Old ones). Aberlour is also really enjoyable. Certainly on the fruiter side of the

I hate to sound like a fanboy but I am so so happy this is finally coming out. It's been such a long time since I've genuinely looked forward to a game!

Nice work man. Probably not completely accurate because it's so difficult to compare, but it's interesting to see the difference. Like someone said below, Just Cause 2 may be enormous but it seems like kind of a "copy and paste" world. Yeah, the sheer scale of it can blow you away sometimes but ultimately there's

Well, GTA 4 technically has three characters in their own distinct chapters. Would that not be a possibility this time around?

Tommy Vercetti was an East Coast gangster... I mean, he was from Liberty City and then he moved to Vice City. Seriously, I would love to play Tommy again, even if he would be 55/56.

Trading console games with friends is going to be obsolete in the next generation :( Then a PC definitely will be the better choice since consoles will just be toned-down, less functional PC's anyway.

Not particularly cheap. I live in the UK and Pepsi is usually about £0.99 ($1.58 at the moment). Coke is usually around £1.20/£1.30 though. Are soft drinks really that expensive where you're from?

Straight roads and jumps? While I'm all for the glorious return of arcade racing, I'll pass. Bring me a Star Wars Podracer remake and I'll reconsider.

The reason behind the PS1/Vita/PSP games staying is because you may want to transfer the installation file to either the PSP/Vita. Since you can't do that with the PS3 games they delete those automatically.

I was thinking of buying it purely for Battlefield 4 Beta Access and then was going to sell it on.

Modern trains in Britain still clearly say not to use the toilet while in a station. Whether it's for this reason, I'm not sure. As far as I'm aware, they operate on a vacuum style flush, like on planes these days. Grim.

Then, you sir, are my hero!

They got rid of the whole supernatural aspect of Doom, which kind of pissed me off. Perhaps they thought audiences wouldn't be receptive enough to the idea of combining both the paranormal and science-fictional. It is a combination that you don't really see I suppose, but that's what makes Doom so original - it's a

Nice work. The "owner" gets owned.

Now you mention it, I'm tempted to stand outside the Apple Store and see just how much people bring out of the door. From my experience with the Cardiff store, most of the people who go in and out are teenagers who have gone in there to kill time on Facebook or kids who are showing their parents the latest iDevice and