
I saw one for £1700 once.

My iPhone 4 has a cracked screen and I still have about 9 months left on the contract. Thankfully it's an isolated crack and appears to spread no further than the top third of the glass. I can still use it, I can still see things on-screen so I shall replace when the contract runs out (unless it gets worse if I drop

They'll probably just make you pay the "online fee". The bastard pirates.

This is why I love UK Student Finance. It's 0% interest and you don't have to pay it off until you start earning £21k a year. If you don't manage to earn over £21k a year within 25 years of graduation, it gets written off!

Absolutely not. If the world revolves around the principle of 'what you know', then my manager wouldn't be my manager. In case you didn't catch on, he's a stupid cunt.

Flow! That's the one!

Thanks guys. I realise I was probably being a bit harsh, to say the least. I think I'm just bitter though ;) Yeah, perhaps in time I can feel involved in a game on a mobile platform. I'd still ideally like tactile response mind... control pad accessory anyone?

I'll admit it - I don't care if it makes me look like a xenophobic bigot - I hate the casual games market. There, I said it.

I had a feeling this was going to have some sort of lunatic political spin on it. I'm not American but having known quite a few at university, I can ascertain that they seem to love being bigoted wankers. Politics in general makes me nauseated.

I don't know what they were thinking with Apple Maps -facepalm-

Guys, if you have the GSM iPhone 4 then there is a well-seeded torrent on The Pirate Bay.

May all his YouTube uploads fail.

Sounds like a cop-out to me. Apple are apparently all about innovation, yet minor tweaking is hardly innovative. I have now officially begun my search for a new technological champion.

>Mojang unscrupulously sued for the word "Scrolls".

In fact, if this is set in the mid-late 70's/early-80's then Solid and Liquid would only be children at this point.

While a valiant effort, the concept is flawed. If Naked Snake/Big Boss is the burned face man, then who is the playable character with the grey hair and the eyepatch? Certainly not Solid Snake, since he didn't start going grey until 2013/2014 (30-40 years later).

Eh, close enough.

iTunes for Mac is beautiful. iTunes for Windows is woeful. Just my $0.02.

Haha, of course they can. But they're going to have to employ someone for more than the price of the game I bought to come round to where I live.

And this is why I will always love personal hardware. I still shun cloud data (at least as a primary source of storage) and will do so for the foreseeable future. I like to know my data is in my hands and no one else's. Because when you own a physical object, at least you can say it is definitely yours.