
So the show was getting tired and they decided to mix it up I'm assuming? Well, they succeeded in that one!

Is this Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

I'm a shoe-in for a Platinum trophy. These are nice and easy.

Hundreds? I thought it was a couple of decades and that Aperture Science facility was dilapidated after The Combine came into power? It's still entirely possible that Chell and Gordon could be linked in some way.

It could be done with a bit of organisation I think. Would it have to be done online or via LAN in a specific event area?


By rights, I am now the most official Luke Williams on the planet...on Outlook at least.

I really hope it doesn't look like this. It just looks messy. Too many holes, a cheap looking bezel and I'm not a fan of the stripped backplate (though I AM a fan of aluminium as opposed to glass).

Is it me or do I find every tablet to be a half-assed effort? They all seem a bit dull and cheap looking. Same thing with netbooks too, though to a lesser extent since some are looking quite sleek these days. Not a particular Apple fan but the only "pretty" tablet I know of is the iPad.

They actually look like those iPod nano knock-offs they sell. You know, the ones I mean...

What does he do then? I thought it was Jeb working on Scrolls mostly?

Now playing

HA! Amazon delivery has always been shocking for me in the UK. Wishful thinking!

Do you play any indie games?

TROLOLOL. Just goes to show the entire career of "sommelier" is an utter sham of a job.

Judging by the direction of those eyes, Japanese Grimers are clearly more perverted than their English counterparts...

Wouldn't say no, but then I drive a Peugeot. We don't say no to much (except Vauxhall/Opel).