
Minecraft is one of the most enjoyable things to watch other people play. Even if the talking isn't particularly interesting, you can always devote your attention to the stuff they're building and what they're planning to do next. I highly recommend The Yogscast!

Yet more Vita hating. I think it's a brilliant little machine (for gaming, nothing else). They need to really start landing themselves some decent titles or it's going to die a slow death. MGS HD Collection just about justifies me keeping it. Finished MGS2 and MGS3 on the train journey from Cardiff to Edinburgh. And

It's not much of a privilege if you pay for it. Not that I care since I play PS3/PC. There's something very "un-indie" about these indie games going up on the Xbox Marketplace. It unsettles me. Then again, the entire industry unsettles me these days.

Is it studios or publishers pushing for the idea of account-locked games in the next gen?

I think it's a 95% certainty that I'm going to buy this in that case.

Or you could just abstain from salad dressings from all kinds and just enjoy the goodness of vegetables?

This Wii U is growing on me. Might buy one as a family console since I owe them all about 2 years of non-budget Christmas presents (ah, student life).

I'm not usually a fan of card-based digital games. I've always had this stubborn preconception that card games should be played IRL. But this looks pretty fun and if Mojang has anything to do with it then my hopes are high.

Like the other fellas said, there's such a massive selection of brilliant exclusives that everyone should play at least once before the PS3 ends its cycle - can't believe I'm saying that when it didn't seem all that long ago that I was lined up outside Tesco in torrential rain to get my console.