
Maybe the airlines should do a better job of managing their own goddamn logistics? Ever think of that maybe?

You actually took the time to write that. This comment really happened.

As a passenger, I hope people remember that airlines need to manage their own shit and not ask paying passengers to do it for them.

Successful people commit suicide. Black people commit suicide. Muslim people commit suicide. The police obviously need to rule out every possibility of foul play. But based on this post we know nothing about her personal life, if she was suffering from depression, having financial problems, found out she had incurable

I mean, maybe Luke will have a growth spurt. I’ve seen 16 year olds that look like middle schoolers suddenly grow a foot in 2 years.

The legal system is a racket on all levels. The fact that the officer can say you broke an almost completely subjective law, and the judge has the power to agree without the officer articulating the logic as to why he thought the driver was driving in an unsafe manner. The end result of the ticket not only is

Buick makes a ton of money for GM in China, which is now the largest and fastest growing car market. Killing Buick would be financial malpractice.

Pretty much every middle class person I know with an iPhone/smartphone either got it from work, or has prior+ generation and uses it until well past retirement age.

Typical conservative troll. Outlandish talking point gets (rightly and brilliantly) destroyed and the response is: “Durr... Obama said something like this before I think.”

Also did it with Star Trek en-mass. E-D as well as the Refit Enterprise and pretty much any model not already in the Smithsonian were all sold off at the end of Enterprises run.

If people wanted to vote for Bernie so badly, then why did so many more Democrats vote against him? He lost. He lost in vote totals, delegate totals, and any other measure you want to name. What he did do was, he held onto the publicity ladder like grim death and continued to make people like you resent the Party’s

It was a dumb argument back in Jan, Feb, and March, too, so you shouldn’t brag about it.

I mean, the number of third-party votes in many swing states outnumbered the votes with which the Imperial Wizard “won” those states, but don’t let actual facts interfere with your self-righteous disdain.

Sniveling? Really?

Every single analysis of the election that I’ve seen has said that voter suppression had nothing to do with it. The problem was that Clinton was a bad candidate from the very beginning. I’m sorry if you don’t like those answers, but that’s the truth of the matter.

I will never forgive so-called leftists who parroted the alt-right in attacking Hillary Clinton. NEVER. They were so determined to smear her for not being good enough they didn’t even realize they were doing the Nazi’s job for them.

Yeah, the sand line was my favorite.

He may be awaiting word from his editor on how they want to address it. For example, they might have a different writer cover it instead of him reporting on himself.

Eventually, all manufacturers need to figure out how to make their self-driving systems “talk” to each other. That is the ultimate self-driving goal. If they don’t “talk” to each other, it’s going to be much harder to make self driving truly successful. Mercedes is on the right path, but unfortunately exclusive to MB.

This is a distraction.

Please, let's not call this "rape." I'm sure that birth can sometimes be traumatic, but calling it "rape" does a real disservice to survivors.