
Eh Star Trek TWoK had been out for 2 years by that point and TSFS while not nearly as good was about to be released as well. Plus you have The Last Starfighter, Starman, and Buckaroo Bonzai that year as well.

Ironic considering the comic lead to Lucas taking a more prominent role in the EU because HE HATED the whole cloning Palpatine thing.

Except this is rust, not fallout. Stainless Steel RUSTS. Its rust RESISTANT not rust proof...which is why it often is clear coated any boat owner knows this

The F4 car from the comics makes an appearance too.

They LITERALLY tie it to the TVA there is no way they can downplay that.

But the number of migrants they did move is nowhere near the “thousands” a day that is being claimed. So your gotcha is still absolute bullshit.

The irony is China is the biggest growing segment of illegal immigrants into the US. They are just overstaying their visas though some are crossing through the borders and asking for asylum.

There are numerous organizations who have already created lists warning minority/gay/trans travelers of states they need to avoid akin to the Green Book of the early 20th century which helped African Americans on how to travel and avoid being lynched.

So the Trax is descendant from the HHR, a similar crossover style vehicle that was on the Delta platform (the Trax was literally the replacement for the HHR when they stropped using Delta as a whole and moved to Delta II and Gamma for GCV/GSV operations).

I still drive a HHR and despite being 12 years old, I have

Says the guy with a Nazi Triskelion....


Its clearly inspired by MS Gundam Igloo, which was the last forray into the Zeonic front around Odessa during the One Year War

my dad and mom were awesome. They made me a Ghostbuster costume that actually looked like the screen ones in 1986, but the best was my Maverick from Top Gun one... my dad built me a f-14 Tomcat swing wings and all from a high-density cardboard that let me at 9 carry it down the road in a parade because it barely

yep was going to point out that the Discovery is actually a reworking of his design for the new 1701 for the first proposed Star Trek movie before it moved to a tv series Phase II and before Matt Jefferies stepped in to give us the design that morphed into the refit 1701

Yeah no, there was a laundry list of things that killed its original one, but Cross was hardly it.

This is a wrong analysis, it IS working, but likely that 4% isn’t restarting.

Yep even with the gammout of work-related web apps I MAYBE hit 10-14 because i have multiple apps open for something.

Dude did you even read the rules, the rule you stated applies to none of the situations. This falls under being kicked on a bounce after a valid field goal where the opposing team never gained posession. So valid and legal kick.

Yep I do, the reason it was OS X instead of 10 was to do with a trademark, OS 10 was already trademarked.

The issue you run into is what NOAA42 experienced in Hugo which almost destroyed it. There are hidden tornado like vortexes all along the eyewall which can cause planes to pull serious Gs, more than they are rated for. In NOAA42's case they hit 5 gs + and -3 gs well above the rating of the plane and destroyed engine 3