
They also can’t surface due to their shape, they are really not designed to run on the surface so any instruments they could send up has to be done from periscope depth otherwise they would be tossed around worse than a surface ship would.

My ex girlfriend had one that was mint from her mom. Sadly she blew the fucker up one day driving 90 on the parkway.

I’m glad im not the only one... Its just common courtesy. Though my wife really doesnt mind because shes usually so exhausted that the last thing she wants to think about is the fact I want sex unless she is in the mood and vise versa.

The best thing we got for our second child was our friends surprised us with a chest freezer with food while we were in the hospital.

You can’t swim in flood waters. They are horribly deceptive and hundreds of people have died doing exactly what you suggest.

Yep, people are always amazed at how powerful infant legs are. Like do you not see how massive their legs are compared to the rest of their body minus the head, infants are fucking powerful with those legs.. how the hell do you think they ever expect to walk bipedally without their muscles being built to perform that

I actually dropped my first child 2 weeks after she was born via the oh god i’m so tired method. She was on my knees cuddling and before i knew it off the bed onto the floor.

It’s a GOOD MOVIE. Sure it suffers from bad effects and a weird premis, but its one of the only two TOS movies who gets the feel of TOS right, with the other being IV.

Not much at all, just enough to have no need to put sugar in.

Did they though. Most of those designs are actually from Enterprise, or were designed but unused in Enterprise.

Or carrots. 3-4 whole carrots in the sauce will take out the acidity as well. Just pull them out after the sauce is cooked...

Its actually “This is no Zaku boy, no Zaku.”Ramba Ral says it when he is bitch slapping Amaro in his Golf.

Someone just mentioned it, there is a HUGE SWATH of middle America where cellular connections are just it, they have no wired infrastructure out there. Likewise, a LOT of apartments have moved towards centralized wireless, meaning your rent covers internet connection and its through access points in your apartment, no

I actually own a PG Zaku kit from them, and you really get what you paid for on them. But in general military kits typically cost less than Sci Fi examples because they are better sellers.

Yep Bandai even makes whole sets of weapons and addons for their kits in scale

Start small. I felt the same way for both my 1/350 scale enterprises so I started with much smaller models and taught myself to use an airbrush well. Even a cheap airbrush would be a significant help on something like this. Learn to control one and even if you hand brush in details, it will look uniformly cool.

Eh not really. Injection molding has become increasingly expensive the last 5-6 ears. Case in point using that same PL Enteprise model again: while the TOS E costs 150+ add-ons, the Refit E they did very early on also in 1/350 scale is half the price at 60 dollars, despite being in all honesty significantly more

My wife and I heard a pair of college girls say lol out loud the other day. Not l - o - l but lol as if it was a word...

Sean you are not getting it, pretty much ANY charger out there is 110/240v you just need a simple adapter which is anywhere from a dollar to 5 dollars.

Sean you are not getting it, pretty much ANY charger out there is 110/240v you just need a simple adapter which is

What is shocking there is it came out well AFTER the move to 64 bit...