
My wifes mother works as a buss driver now, and while she doesn’t like the hours sometimes, to her it beats being a banker (what she was prior to this) where the quota’s and the shittiness of preying on people got to her after 25 years, not to mention she gets an actual pension as a buss driver and had shit for

By law they are supposed to be, doesn’t mean they are.

Because that is logic, something Lifehacker posts of the last year have lacked.

Hodor of all people should know dirty as fuck, after all he’s the king of curb stomping a guys fucking shin during a slide....

Yep NPR did a whole story about it with her this weekend. She was specifically disgusted at how much of a sex symbol she was made out to be after having just won an Oscar for being what amounted to a sex slave....

OOOOOOH I was so hoping this was going to be noted because the fact is... SHE PICKED THE FUCKING ROLES PURPOSELY.

“I really, REALLY don’t understand the misogynistic shit that I’m seeing from Bernie supporters”

NJ actually banned speed and red light cameras.. they were causing too many accidents and all they were doing was giving cities huge windfalls of money.

The fused wheel bearing makes me cringe cause I dealt with the same thing on the 99 Ford Taurus Wagon I mentioned in my misdiagnoses story involving the break lines.

Actually yes, they are typically very enforceable in most states.

I have Mew on my Yellow. It was a giveaway at the Nintendo contests they held at malls and stores. It was the only way to get him legally.

He was living in NYC and I think there are ordinances about cremation there. He likely got cremated at a number of cemeteries that boarder NY/NJ. Plus could you imagine him being cremated in manhattan vs some nondescript funeral home outside of the city were no one would be the wiser?

“It’s a violation of maritime law to board a foreign naval vessel in peacetime.”

Rural penn is a scary scary place. And a NJ native I enjoy freaking the fuck out of those hicks whenever I can. They don't call it Pensiltucky for nothing.

nope Bayway is in Linden. That whole section is called the Bayway section of Linden. The refinery boarders Elizabeth but isn't part of it.

Huh. We have the largest refinery on the east coast in the Bayway Refinery in Linden as well as tons of storage across the whole NYC/Elizabeth port sections of NJ

And see I rather like the Burton movie as the old 70's one was most certainly not Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It was fun but not even remotely close to the tone of the book.

fuck vegetarians. They shouldnt be allowed to live.

other than the preservatives they are both made from common food items. You could just make marshmallow. Not to mention fondant is pretty much artificial anyway.

bullshit. Post actual facts please. Unless it's a honest to god medical journal you need to shut your hole.