
it's pretty well known the scorpion shot itself with a hot torpedo which was even then known to happen. That conspiracy needs to die

actually it's a little more involved. They are called subs because they originated new New Groton CT near the Electric Boat Company sub construction yards.

how about you not be a cunt who thinks everything is sex. Or maybe the fact you take that sexual when it's obviously not betrays your own pedo feelings....

haha I was just relating to my fiancé how I missed riding on the back shelf of my moms MGB in the 80s as my sister who was younger got the front seat.

in this case no, most people posting to YouTube large pack samples actually open them as they go. So they don't likely have good draws

No he's a fucker cause he's a hypocritical white conservative asshole who would badmouth any minority for having the same expectation he does.

ahh yes the OS with superior developer support is the one that's shitty.

nope never has been never will be. You guys do good with your BBQ but that strip, been called NY Strip since 1837 before your fucking city even existed.

Find a real study. Otherwise you are just as awful as the people you hate.

really? My laserdisc and VHS versions work perfectly fine. Didn't know Lucas when back in time to destroy them........

using a controller is the reason I could play FFXI for years while I couldn't get into any other MMOs. I hate using a keyboard for control. It's a terrible interface for games beyond RTS and FPS and even in FPS you're using a mouse to look.

Just cause you can doesn't mean you should. The MiG-29B makes a terrible air to ground asset. You may as well be painting targets on your air defense fighters since they won't be able to help you in a few weeks of trying to be air to ground.

More like he lost the part of the wheel attached to the lug nuts. The lug nuts are still on the car.

Because the chivalrous thing to do IS the right thing to do. All your comment shows is you're a awful human being.

Profits prove otherwise.

I loved using that thing on my monk with hundred fists. Too bad eventually it was nurffed to fucking hell as it wasn't that powerful to begin with being a blunt weapon

More like buy a British car if you like driving through 1/2 inch puddles and everything short circuiting and going out.

He's a member of putins cyber army. They pay kids to spread propaganda for Russia. Same assholes like him have been spamming anti-homosexual bullshit on gawker when Putin was murdering gays in the streets of Moscow. In return they get paid like 5 cents a hour.

Stop making excuses. You know FULL WELL the false accusation did that. You were wrong to assume false accusations didn't destroy peoples lives and now are covering up. Shut the fuck up

Actually yes. It is. If the victim can't prove how they were a victim then they can't accuse a defendant.