
I’m not here to defend B4B (played the beta, didn’t care for it) but this is either lazy reporting or just straight up baiting. While Steam is the biggest it isn’t the be all end all of PC gaming. Of it’s two biggest competitors one had a month long $10 coupon that could be used to purchase game at a reduced price and

Given the disaster of Colonial Marines still being quite fresh at the time Isolation was being pitched, it’s not all that surprising there would be some trepidation in returning to the IP.  Glad it worked out in the end though, Isolation is top notch.

There’s a reason Valve takes a comparatively larger margin from sales. They didn’t practically set many standards in the gaming industry from nothing. With all those spiffy features we’ve gotten for free from Steam (API’s, cloud saves, etc), on top of managing storefronts in several countries (including taking the

When it comes to third-party revivals, mobile is always the format I’m expecting, just never the one I want.

I am just waiting for the plottwist that this is actually a Hideo Kojima game.

I’ll believe it when I see it, and even then I’ll have to do vigorous mathematical calculations to ensure it’s actually been released.

You can’t really call it advertising if you could already play the game itself within FF15 like many other FF titles had mini-games before (many which people wished would be released as standalone games), except this one will actually be released as a stand-alone version as well that’s free to play, i don’t think

Well people bought Rainbow Six Siege season passes. So you’d be surprised.

Uh. What?

Wait, the last sentence of that New Yorker article is horse-shit:

Uh, if this is the type of game people want from Konami, then aren’t they “voting with their wallets” by buying it?

Yes, that game rules so hard. Half the time me and my buddy would be fighting each other... or playing our own version of baseball (which ended up with us just fighting each other anyways).

Yeah honestly I’d rather this. “Preorder to get some customization items for the demo you would unlock with normal playtime in the final game” is better than “You didn’t blind-faith preorder and buy this game? Screw you, we won’t even SELL you this dlc we made.”

As a completely unbiased, non-Nintendo fan (ignore the username), I think it’s preferable to just have the pre-order hook only apply to the demo. That way when the game is released and I buy it a month later with no pre-order, I don’t feel like I’m missing out.

“categorically incorrect.”

He only beats up villains, and always non fatally, and then goes and plays Tennis with him in the afternoon. Dude's tolerant as fuck.

uh, 8th ms team would like to have a word...

Actually the better fix would have been to allow faceplate swapping for the XL, and just market two different sizes for the faceplates. But that makes too much sense.

Hey. There are times and places for jokes. People being hurt intentionally at an event they attended to feel safe and have fun at is neither.

Now playing

ps1 start up sound followed by the policenauts jingle for the konami logo in mgs