
I ordered 9 things on amazon this weekend and i hope my city wins the amazon 2nd HQ. The biggest employer here pays no local property tax and was incentivized to build here. Then it brought 20k professional jobs to the area. This town has gone through a massive boom because of them and its a great city.

I figure after last year, New England fans are probably about as insufferable as they’re going to get, whereas Philadelphia still has a ceiling they haven’t yet hit. Which is why it hurts me to say, but I gotta pull for the Pats.

“They’re too immature.” - Man who at 39 got drunk, crashed his car into a telephone pole and then fled into the woods.

You blew a once in a lifetime headline.

Shit. Now I have an idea for a DreamWorks franchise and a ton of guilt for it.

Normally I would be really skeptical about these sorts of claims, but if you look into Scientology’s past, this wouldn’t even be in the Top 10 of hard-to-believe stories that turned out to be true.

I guess you could say they’re Scientology’s LAPDogs.

Lebron James & Derrick Rose?

Niko Mirotich & Bobby Portis.

Can’t be a Jag on the field if you’re a jagoff it.

I played volleyball year-round from the age of 10, went to college on a volleyball scholarship, and coached a high school team to two state championships, a club team to a #4 national ranking, and coached the game at the college level. I’ve seen this sort of move be successful maybe three times. You are wrong. This

If Fight Club were filmed today it’d be over by the end of the first act when Ed Norton realizes that he is Tyler Durden after watching his first fight on Instragram after some douche canoe posted it. #thisdudeiscrazy #fightshimself

I’d call him Milwaukee’s Best but it’s an insulting title

Aren’t there going to be something like 117 countries in the World Cup by then?

First, how is this a corporate line if this is from their employees, the players. Second, isn’t the sentence above touching on the exact reason that Kaepernick started his protest.

The context in which he said it directly negates your assertion.

Great, now I’m gonna have the shirt-putting-on yips forever.

Nope, too many books also. I went to the library, it was like a whole building just full of books I’ll never read. What’s even the point?

YES. Exacerbating this issue is how much you have to pay attention to each one of these shows to catch every fuckin’ plot twist and piece of dialogue. TV has become too stressful I guess I have to start reading books or something.

“...the football fan covered in barf won.”