
So you're saying the ball's in his court?

This was the best-attended game in the majors last night (by percent of seats sold) other than the Rays @ Cardinals. As others have pointed out, your joke is falling flat.

What's next, the banning of off speed pitches? Banning of gloves? Fielders can't run and must walk after struck balls?

he can damn well do whatever he wants

And the Players Association (comprised of current NBA players, some of whose jobs are taken by new players when they enter the league) works with the NBA to continue the workplace rules that include that restriction.

Javier Mascherano agrees that soccer is dangerous for assholes.

At least he died doing what he loved: ruining a soccer game for everyone else involved.

Well, he's certainly drawn their interest with his flatulence, but the Rockies won't trade for Lee until they know he can completely shit the bed.

Bortles wanted to know about his punting.

This lawsuit has no merit and we will defend our union and our past Presidents.

Chipotle must make the animals watch each other get slaughtered. Mmm, terror burritos.

Australia's been instrumental in putting Patties out of the picture since the 1700's.

Sorry...what was the question? I got stuck picturing Gisele's flying fuck.

it's probably more accurate to call him exasperated, frustrated, worn out, despondent, disheartened, vexed, or something else along those lines.

Bath police is what my uncle used to call it :(

You have to laugh at a guy who tries to be all "unique" and "different," yet decides to commit murder in Chicago on 4th of July weekend.

If you're looking for dirt on Johnny Manziel, I'm pretty sure the Browns offensive line will help you out.

Don't care if it was a dive. Fuck Rafa Marquez.

I bet you're fun at parties

The Bucks were fine with giving up a couple future second round picks because "Kidd would probably fuck up the picks anyway."