
A lot of people kept their jobs after defending Lena Dunham.


Not unlike signs seen at an R. Kelly concert.

Peggy was not in my top ten until she pimp walked into McCann recently. If that isn’t the most badass moment of the show, I don’t know what is

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He’s like Steph Curry if Steph Curry was human.

I’m all for a stupidity suspension. If you do something like vote Marc Gasol over Steph Curry, you automatically get your vote revoked for three years or something.


I think that almost proves his point original point, though. Beckham came here when his career was basically dead and did a decent job resurrecting it. When he left RM, nobody really wanted him. Something here must be good.

Guy should be hired as the White House Press Secretary.

Instead of going Popavich he went pop-a-bitch.

I believe that they both came up at the same time in the Brewers farm system so they probably do know each other from way back.


He’s got a face for online sports journalism.

I don’t mind a few shots at the refs, but complaining about the one and done rule just because you can’t recruit those guys (ahem, Diamond Stone) is bogus. That’s right, I said it: bogus.

Whoever thinks its a good idea to stick a mic in the face of a kid whose college career most likely just ended after two straight hugely disappointing losses and then have the balls to ask him why the other team beat him is the real asshole here.

What % of shots are taken in the last 5 seconds of a shot clock?

Isn't it kind of awesome how you didn't know that? It gives us hope for post-Walker (RIP) F&F because it isn't entirely the director.

He's been added to the Packers onside kick hands team.

Stopping drinking for a bit is a big one for me. Every once in a while I will have a night out where, no matter what I did, I will feel anxious for a week. Even if I did nothing wrong or did things right, I feel like at some point I talked out of turn or maybe was a little too honest and I'll feel guilty about it for