
In ten years we could be saying "God, do you remember that first year when we almost fired Moyes? Thank God we stuck it out?"

Baseball laments the fact that steroids gave it a huge boost in popularity in the 90s. I think they should be legal, but I just don't want to hear complaints in ten years when your testicles have to be removed and you join a fight club only to be shot in the back when destroying a piece of art while simultaneously

$500 million in the hand...

Like that guy, that invented the pet rock...

In all seriousness, these guys have to be careful what they say when they are there. Very well could end up in prison.


Does "Tuesday" count as an isolated holiday?

You know, sometimes I forget that Deadspin is a Gawker site. Thanks for the reminder.

I feel like this is the same lady from the Heat-Bulls game last year.

Maybe they did cut him for being outspoken, but let's not rule out the possibility that they are the Vikings and are terrible at putting teams together.

As has been discussed many times, Wisconsin is prone to blackouts.

The title of this article acts like Tebow didn't win 2 National championships and a Heisman in college, but rather that ESPN made that up. Did they way overblow much of his coverage? Sure. Did they "create" Tim Tebow? No, his parents did that. Most likely in the missionary position.

In Sophia Minnert's defense, that wasn't her fault and she kept right on going after picking up the mic.

One thought would be to change the odds so that all teams in the lottery have at least close to the same odds.

Are we talking about his kid with the hot dog or his wife with, well, his hot dog?

We get it. People didn't have shit to do in Indiana besides watch subpar high school basketball.

Obligatory "Fourth Manning Brother" comment. Someone has to do it. It may has well be me.

The Bucks were even more upset knowing that they might have to win a game and lower the chances of a top five pick.

"I don't go into colored bars" - Joe Buck