
Newsflash - car parts are just parts. A spring is a spring, if it fits and has the correct rate, it doesn't matter. Likewise radiators, seals, bearings, hoses, pistons... if more people realised this a few more interesting / rare / classic cars might be on the roads rather than "beyond repair".

I scored a free EJ22 last summer (came with the harness, ECM and all the other guts), and have the adapter plate/flywheel/etc. Still need a D/R 5-speed, rear axle and drive shafts, though. I've had the car for six years, and have often had to drive up steep, loose slopes in reverse for traction. Good times ... 

I've always enjoyed JesZek's posts on USMB. It would be rad to take a trip down there someday and do a Jalopnik driving guide with him!

As a decades-long member of the USMB (thru four different Soobies) I can attest to the helpfulness, knowledge, friendlieness, and troll-free environment of that board. I've been advised, encouraged, sold hard-to-find parts at discount, befriended both electronicly and face-to-face, and hopefully, helped others with my

Thank you for your Kind words which are Highly appreciated; this article is a Great unexpected Honor for Me, which has brighten my Day.

I can only imagine what this guy could do with an AMC Eagle! 

Soooooo much win!

Nice ride!

Great to see some Sooby love here, now if someone would show some low mileage Justy love my way :)