Hehehe... first thing I thought of...
"...X-Factor-era Warren Worthington III as drawn by Walt Simonson..."
He... that was the first thing I thought of when I saw the pic: "hey, that's a Pulp cover!" :P
Yes! Honor Harrington's escape from the prison planet is awesome... It happens in Echoes of Honor though... #corrections ;)
Great. Another thing to keep me awake at night...
I would have gone with Hellblazer #63 "Forty". John Constantine turns 40 and gets his own birthday party... Seeing the Phantom Stranger, Zatanna and even Swamp Thing show up as guests is awesome. This issue was a nice and sometimes hilarious respite from the usual horrors of the series. Plus, the classic moment: "Now…
Yes! Xanadu is awesome (well, my inner 12yo says it is... ;), mostly for the music...
First thing I thought about the pic...
In the scenes where they're building Robocop, there are some brief commands scrolling down Murphy's cybernetic view... one of them was something like "Loading Command.com" :P
That's awesome! :D
Awesome but impractical... As others have said before, this would be a bitch to clean properly...
You're right Meredith, of course. It's on the very first part of the list... I had completely forgotten... ;)
Let's see, which ones are more likely left for tomorrow?
Yep, Event Horizon is damn scary... I went alone to the theater, late at night, and couldn't sleep well afterwards... Only this one and The Ring (which I hope is included in tomorrow's list) have done that for me... ;)