
We likely do have different definitions of right and left wing. From the political perspective, the right and left has more to do with societal stratification and less to do with the level of state involvement, hence you have the Nazis being a far-right party with high levels of state involvement. From the political

I hate to pile on, but conflating socialism with the Nazis is turning a blind eye to the lessons and history of the first half of the 20th century. The Nazis were fascists, despite having the work socialist in their name (part of an attempt to sway the then-powerful German workers movements and subvert them). From

I'm in an odd place with the Xbox One. It made me realize that I may be a bit of a Microsoft stalwart. I have a PS4, and it is barely, but undeniably better at running cross-platform games. Despite this I would rather game on my Xbox One. I prefer the controller, although the Dual Shock 4 is a fine controller. I

There's no reason to switch immediately if you're holding out for a price drop. If you're not, might as well pick one up. The same game released on the PS3 and PS4 costs the same $60 on both platforms (which is kind of a crap deal if you ask me). Might as well play the shinier version.

I went back and forth on the 'no real reason to upgrade' argument when I was looking at next-gen systems. My wife had probably the best response when I was contemplating the Xbox One (I'd made an impulse buy of a PS4 a couple months earlier). She just asked "Are you going to get one eventually?" I said yes. "It it

I have similar experiences in shifting from the last generation of systems to the current one. I have and enjoy both the PS4 and the Xbox One, but my 360 still sees plenty of use. Gears 3, GTA Online, Halo: Reach, and Borderlands 2 are all games that me and my friends will fire up whenever our schedules align (all

I have a desktop too, but it's a year older than the laptop (and still cost around $800), and runs most games worse. The major point I was trying to make back in February was that resolution/framerate don't make or break a game. I have yet to play a good game that would be bad at 720p 30fps or a bad game that would

I have a very small, stupid complaint with this game. They misspelled "Anya." The Polish spell is Ania. Anya is the spelling usually used for the Russian name (which is from the Cyrillic alphabet unlike the Polish).

Despite owning the WiiU for over a year now, I'm still largely undecided on the system. My wife made massive use of it for about two weeks when she did a 100% run of Lego City Undercover and I spent some time with ZombiU. Other than that I've played a bit of Black Ops 2, and some Assassin's Creed 3 using the

I picked one up just over a month ago, and haven't regretted it. I'd picked up the PS4 back in January, and it might be that I am a bit of an Xbox stalwart (I would not use the term fanboy), as even acknowledging that Sony made a better console, I like the Xbox One more. So I'm very glad I picked one up.

I don't play much in the way of MMO's, so the aspect of "tricking" people has never really crossed my mind, but if given the option, I'll usually play a female character. Mass Effect, Skyrim, Saint's Row, Dragon Age - all of them I rolled as a lady. Even in multiplayer (non-MMO) like Halo Reach/Halo 4, Call of Duty:

Sony's taken the middle ground on their motion controls in a kind of "do-no-harm" fashion. When done right (Infamous is the most recent example I've played), they can add just a touch of variation to the controls.

That's a fair point. There are plenty of other ways to innovate in the field, but I do feel that motion controls were one of the most likely places to find innovation. By opening up the ways you can interact with a game, you expand the options available to developers. To me it's like CGI in movies. Yeah, it can be

It's interesting to see the backlash against motion-controlled games. For years there have been howls of "nothing is really innovative" from gamers looking at the current gaming landscape. Motion-controls have probably the biggest ability to change that as they change the fundamental way of interacting with the

This show was completely my jam for many years. I worked in campaign politics for eight years and would yell at the TV while watching this the same way my wife, with her master's degree in chemistry, yells at the science on all of the police procedurals. Although the West Wing generally got more right than they got

Wow, there are a lot of folks who like to complain about the guys in these videos breaking working stuff. If that's how they want to spend their money/time it's fine by me. It's not like they broke into my house and stole my stuff.

I get where you're coming from. I don't really play at a "professional" level. I go for "holding my own." My mouse is a Microsoft wireless mouse that my daughter made me get because it was red and the rest were "boring."

I have the opposite opinion on gamepads. I can't hit jack squat with a mouse/keyboard on the PC, but do great on games where I can use a gamepad. BF3/4, UT2004, TF2 are all games I play with a gamepad and can hold my own. Thank god for xpadder. Back in the day (read 1999), I was damn good with a keyboard and mouse

I wound up with largely the same reaction to the Souls games. Others liked the game, and that's great, I just did not get any sense of accomplishment from it other than "I got through this part on Dark Souls." It often seemed like difficulty for the sake of difficulty and that pushed the game from "an enjoyable

I've been having good times still in GTA Online, but mainly with a good group of friends who I started a Crew with. We mainly ignore the rest of the community. We've got enough people to do most of the missions and have enjoyed that. We are all excited for new content. A lot of folks complain about having to do