
Facebook's business model boils down to one thing: If you are using something and not paying for it, you are not the customer, you are the product.

Thou shalt not keep charging the same dug in enemy the same way, hoping to get by him "this time."

I would be curious to see how this translates across more platforms. My PC pile of shame is around 40+ games (out of about 100 that I own), and a lot of that is filler from Humble Bundles. However, my console piles of shame are much smaller. Out of about 70 360 games I have on my shelf or hard drive right now,

Yeah, PS+ on the PS4 is largely a game of "Well we promised you something and we can't give away our AAA titles yet so here's the latest PSN game." That's actually pretty cool in and of itself that game go straight to free PS+ games, but PS3 and Vita seem to get a better quality of games. Sometimes makes me sad I

Oddly enough, of all the games they've given away, the only two that I've owned have been Halo 3 and the first Gears of War. I was paying for Xbox Live long before they started giving me a couple free games a month, so two free games, even old games, is still a pretty good deal for the $3-$4 bucks a month I pay for

I've got a laptop with i7 Processor, Nvidia 670M (2GB model I think), 6GB DDR3 ram. Bought it roughly 16 months ago. Don't honestly know the rest of the specs as I didn't build it myself, just ordered it stock [an Acer model], and it's completely possible I paid too much. There are modern games that it runs great

The difference between 720p and 1080p and 30fps and 60fps adds maybe 5% max, to the enjoyment I get out of a game. No reason to demand it. I demand good games. Not high graphical fidelity. Also my $1200 gaming computer can't pull 60fps on a recent game without cutting either the resolution or other graphic

In all fairness, I was able to play through MGS4 in around 4-5 hours, but only by skipping all of the cut scenes and playing on easy. Put in the cut scenes and the game length about tripled. I remember beating the game around 1 in the morning and about an hour and a half later my wife came out to see why I wasn't

I have long been a fan of the works of H.P. Lovecraft and used Lovecraft as my online name while gaming in college around 2000-2002. After that I got Lovecraft as my gamertag on Xbox live when it first launched. When I picked up a 360 and tried to activate my account on there I found I'd forgotten both my password

I'd have to go with the new Tomb Raider as the game I enjoyed the most this year. I played The Last of Us but it didn't really grab me. GTA 5 was fun and I still need to get further in the online part, but I played through Tomb Raider multiple times and just enjoyed the game immensely.

I have never had this happen in Madden, but I had it happen twice in NCAA Football (once in '09 and once in '11 versions). Both times they happened to the opposing team. The first time was in the opening game of the season against Oklahoma and on the second play I sacked the quarterback and he was injured with a

The best one I've ever played against was "Studbob Bludgepants." I still laugh about that one.

Yes, but that would be a poll of what people on Kotaku think of the Xbox One, not what do people in general think of the Xbox One. Sample Bias! (Sorry, I spent eight years working political campaigns and massaging poll numbers was one of my favorite activities. They have not yet created a poll that someone can't

Question 1: 72 Hours (I live in hurricane country and that was how long I was without internet after Issac last year).

I guess age must be mellowing me. I can see ths restrictions. The limits on used games and required internet connection, but I just can muster any "outrage" over them. I'm genuinely excited for a new console generation and the games that will bring. None of the things that have folks up in arms are problems for

I agree with most of your critique except the part on playing on easy. After my son (kid #2) was born I started playing more games on easy, at least to start. I just don't have the time to play the same part over and over and over again, especially in any kind of story driven game. That said I will often up the