Hell fucking yes. Thanks, Dodai, for not being all "ew gross TANK MEAT lol" because tank meat is cool and great.
Hell fucking yes. Thanks, Dodai, for not being all "ew gross TANK MEAT lol" because tank meat is cool and great.
As a reluctant vegetarian (read Fast Food Nation, couldn't stomach it after that, yes I know that's sort of obnoxious) I am SO EXCITED about this. It's like meat, but without all the associated guilt and/or ecoli!
Stephen Fry made this argument with the word apparently. It's silly and snobbish.
One of my favorite tips from law school: whenever a decision uses the word "clearly," there is a flaw in the logic; whenever a decision uses the word "merely," you can stop reading - the decision will issue as if the action didn't occur.
Although most people just assume that stay-at-home moms are luxury-swaddled layabouts who have chosen to remain in…
Stupidity and ignorance can be causes of racism. But it's still racism. And even if it isn't, the absence of any disciplinary action or conversation on race with these kids will lead them to become racist adults.
I think 15-16 is plenty old to have an informed, educated view on the world. These kids don't live in a vacuum, they live in 2013, which means they are connected to the Internet for most of their waking hours. Honestly it baffles me that they were capable of creating a club named "White Girls Club" and not think it's…
This is most definitely racism. The fact that they're probably racist because they come from a shitty 'sheltered' racist community or shitty 'sheltered' racist homes does not change that. Hopefully they'll grow out of their racism and look back on this time in their lives with utter embarassment. But racism it is.
yes, but unfortunately those points are what often do make people racist.
I don't understand why anyone needs to be paid to do an internship. You can't put a number on the value of educational experiences like filing, spell checking, running errands, and getting yelled at. Really, we should be praising these companies for their generosity in giving interns a 1% chance of a viable future…
"For diversity in child rearing and free activities instead of pink mush and stereotypes!"... and I think that's the key word. Diversity. There need to be more toys out there of all sorts for little girls, but I don't know that that means Barbie has to go. Teach your kid they can love pink and bake cupcakes in between…
Normally I like Barbie, and defend her when fellow feminists bash her. But this?
Businesses have started just giving all entry level work to unpaid interns. Now I find job listings for "entry level" that aren't entry level at all. I found one listing for an "entry level" position that required 5-10 years experience, at least 5 industry references and it paid $10/hr. FUCK. THAT.
I love how I am reading this just as I am applying for internships online. A college degree is not sufficient anymore to gain an entry-level position. I can't tell you how many jobs that I have applied to that I was either fully or over qualified for that I didn't get - and this is with a 1.5 years of interning…
Unpaid internships only favor the ones who are from better-off families, because they can afford the transportation and food costs.
True, but as we see from the studies listed in the article those successful people are not necessarily successful because of their internships. I don't believe that 95% of internships have any value other than to the employer who is getting free labor. And I don't believe in promoting bad labor practices just because…
Unpaid internships are bullshit. We should all stop promoting them. Colleges should especially stop promoting them. I want to know which CEOs over 40 have ever done an unpaid internship?! Most likely none because they were PAID for their entry level work. Something to consider people: unpaid internships undermine your…
Unpaid internships: the sad fate of scores of millennials who were foolishly led to believe that the four years they…
And then there are the people who are struggling to find work no matter how they emphasize their skills.
pshhh, coco montrese could lipsync them into a hole in the ground.