
I actually saw this advertisement in the wild! I was sitting in the waiting area of a “Rock ‘n’ Roll” hair salon with my youngest son while his brother was getting a cut. I was flipping through the magazine on the table and there it was. I showed my son, who immediately took it to the guy doing my other son’s hair and

Neither you, nor Gawker can arrest nor prosecute, so go clutch your pearls elsewhere, scold. Are you now the morality police? Is gawker? Fuck off.

What crime did he commit? Has he been arrested or charged with any crime? And who the fuck do you think you are that you can judge him? Adulturer? What is the the fucking 1800’s?

1. Wrong. They have one person’s account, with no corroboration.

But, you see, my assumptions don’t lead me to publish a story that has outed a person. You have no idea, not one fucking clue, about this man’s personal life. And it’s certainly not your place, nor Gawker’s place, to be the moral scold. Your assumption that he was “cheating” allows you to be the moral police? Fuck

It’s unjust because they have no corroborating evidence that he actually did those things. Also, he didn’t cheat on his wife. Also, you don’t know if they have an arrangement. Also, fuck these guys for running this trash. It really is indefensible. How is running a hit piece on a rival media CFO by publishing

mainly because he didn’t cheat. Also, you don’t know if he has a arrangement with his wife that allows this type of “cheating”. Finally, and most importantly, what the fuck business is it of yours or Gawker’s? There was no worth to this story, other than to generate clicks and put a hit on a rival media company. It’s

That is fantastic!

Scorching! Hot! Take! Above!

Scorching hot take, right here.

I caught a slint show in a small venue last year...the sound was perfect and the band was on fire. Just as they took the stage a couple of bros stood right in front of me (like, literally with the backs of their heads just inches from mine). I tapped the guy on the shoulder and showed him some empty space to our left.

They have played that a bunch...always awesome. I particularly like nestling in to a 20 minute Cortez the Killer at the end of the show. (Have been on a BTS dry spell recently, keep missing them where I am :sadface:)

“young and uptempo...Red Hot Chili Peppers” Jesus, how fucking old are you? (I’m closer to 50 than I am to 40, and I can’t wrap my head around that)

When my wife and I moved into our first house, we threw a party to celebrate the occasion. We did a big cookout and had a big spread in the dining room. My wife introduced me to a custom that I’d never seen before (but she got from her grandmother): to butter the hot corn, she put pats of butter on slices of bread and

I love that Chris Weber thinks that LeBron was taking a page from Tayshon Prince...that’s adorable.

Oh, is that the picture of when Love separated Olynyk’s shoulder? No? Then Shut the fuck up.

Nick Swisher—$15,000,000.00

I know it sound trite, but the funeral is for the living, not the dead. If you can bring comfort to your Uncles, you should do it....if only to spite your dead dad. Good luck to you.

Back when I was smoking, and still going out a fair amount, there were "Camel Kids" who would show up in various clubs and live music venues and would "trade" you your pack for a new pack of Camels. It didn't matter how many were left in your pack, they would give you a fresh one. I loved camels, but I would always

The Lawsons Double Sunshine is pretty damned good, too.