
That is a very different wording and it’s accuracy is entirely dependent on the definition of weapon. In any case spicer was clearly referencing the fact that the Nazis didn’t wield chemical weapons against allied forces.

That is literally not what he said

Compression doesn’t generate heat. It only increases temperature.

Joe Nixon used grossly excessive force in response to some one mildly assaulting him. The lesson should be “don’t beat the shit out of people half your size” not “women are delicate butterflies”

Blurred lines is clearly not about sexual assault.

Refresh my memory, was ray Jasper the guy who said shouldn’t be executed because he only slit somebody’s throat when it was his co- conspirator who killed the guy with a knife to his heart?

From Maine’s first district, fuck you, you masshole transplant.

As a pats fan I’m always excited to read it, but always finish it pissed off at drew for being such a bitch.

shouldn’t be too hard for you to come up with a specific one.

Leslie Van Houton is definitely the real victim here

I don’t really know what’s waaay worse then a home invasion and triple homicide. I also don’t know who’s been paroled after something way worse.

“U.S. Soccer still needs to implement some radical changes if we’re ever to become the soccer nation we could be, should be, and sometimes pretend we already are.”

Counter point, he was not good enough to warrant the shit storm of publicity his signing would generate.

Is it possible that teams just feel he’d be a lightening rod for negative publicity and are making a marketing decision as much as a football one?

Okay so 23 people in that picture, 5 are black.

Curse them for applying the rules as they are written!

Who says it’s not here?

Giants fans have a very high opinion of Eli

Indirect descendant

Nice objective opinion there that some how also paints ESPN as a beacon of truth