
No, but I don’t think you were the rule either. my mother went back to work when I went into school and for the first couple years we went to my grandparents for a couple hours

The whole point of this article is that historically grandparents did have a bigger role in childcare. Meaning, in effect, that the grandparents in this article were receiving as much free childcare from their parents as their kids are expecting from them. I’m not saying society can’t change, I’m just saying these

“Meet Jole (84) and her husband Michele (94)“

You can often get the difference back from amazon

You can often get the difference back from amazon

That’s fair, for some reason I took you for a colts fan and did not associate you as the poster of the original picture, and for that I am truely sorry.

Hey remember when you’re team threw the last two games instead of going for a perfect season and then lost the superbowl anyway?

If you think “that doesn’t bother me we just won the superbowl” then you know about how I feel

yeah, you got me good

that perfectly matches my reaction to the patriots one last year

We’re they trolling the nfl or themselves? I mean they were the ones that needed a new rules to them figure out who was eligible.

Counter point, there are literally dozen of people, some of whom are paid millions of dollars, to do nothing but stir up a shit storm. Literally anything B. said would be misconstrued as many ways as possible, treating said question with as much disdain as possible is the right answer.


True story from the Chicago Area.

I thought he meant the last time he had gone before the time he was narrating. He’s definitely not a great story teller either way

Chicago fire right?

It seems like what you said probably came across more as cutting and less as funny. Also it seems a little hypocritical to call his response “Rude”, I mean I can see why it’s a little worse, but that line was definitely crossed by you first. I would just do some generally nice, like bring in a snack he likes.

If you find yourself betting millions of dollars on geno smith sucking you probably made the right decision.

Complicated question, does that validate male disinterest in this movie? If you never connected to generally male super hero movies is it acceptable for men to feel “meh” towards this film?

Well your right about at least one thing, you do sound like an old guy ranting .

I’m sad you used “crushing” instead of the obvious.