
Yeah, I wrote about this awhile ago, but given where he is now, there is absolutely no way with his writing style he can finish this series in 2 books. Absolutely no way it happens unless he does an absolute about face from AFFC and ADWD.

By my understanding this just means you can have UP TO 1 ICE. Meaning less than or equal to one. Also who’s to say the batteries weren’t charged by an ICE. Ultimately, the organizers fucked up with their statement. They should have either admitted their mistake for allowing the car to run, or told the protesting driver

If they let you enter the race, they need to let you finish the race.

I guess he should have them all eaten by zombies or something... :)

Exactly! He really needed a sharp editor, but like many Big Authors, it seems like they stop using them once they’re successful (looking at you, Harry Potter and the Insufferably Boring Campout). He’s wallowing in his world, which is entirely his prerogative, but I don’t think he has a clue how to bring those

Well it would be a lot easier if you were interested in finishing the story and not endless world building

Oh, that’s a really great one. Honorable mention to the Dude’s Gran Torino in the Big Lebowski:

Agreed. Second prize goes to the Ace Ventura Monte Carlo:

I’m not going to debate the merits of your argument here, because I can’t be moved to care about a 280 all that much, but let it be said that no one has ever nailed the lead character’s crappy car better than Jimmy’s Suzuki Esteem in Better Call Saul:

Yeah 2+2 not that appealing, but also an almost 30 year old Datsun in Buffalo would be much more a tetanus problem than all of David Tracy’s cars combined. It would basically be a pile of red dust by then.


This looks like a whole lot of fun!

It’s like Spy Kids meets the Matrix, but with Deep Roy as the hero.

I know right? Wake me up when she hits 9 years.

Amateur...  Here, hold my beer.

WTF is the point of living in modern times if a person doesn’t avail herself of some of its luxuries, like a freaking pre-natal appointment to a midwife or something? Yet she will chatter on FB about the “primal instinct” that takes over. Guess what? Birthing can be pretty deadly, just look at history. But no, the

“Unpopular” doesn’t win elections. Grabbing power and abusing it wins elections. Is this ideal? No. Is it reality? Yes.

Going a little fast there, buddy. Where’s the fire? *Points back at police officer’s car.

+1 I know it is unpopular but we should open endless investigations and block everything. 

Any Democrat who uses the word “bipartisanship” needs to be politely escorted from the building and cordially asked to never return.