Even if it wasn’t right in front of the ref how dumb do you have to be to do this? He knows there are cameras all around and that they record this. Even if you don’t get a penalty you will pay for it later. What the hell?
Even if it wasn’t right in front of the ref how dumb do you have to be to do this? He knows there are cameras all around and that they record this. Even if you don’t get a penalty you will pay for it later. What the hell?
Makes sense as that’s what they seem to want in a president too.
I really hope that Susan Collins is interviewed after Roe V Wade is overturned. I want to hear her say I’m sorry. I was wrong.
Shit. Maybe I’m late to the party on this but it just struck me that Eisenberg is more playing Lex Luther here than he did when he was actually playing Luthor.
Couldn’t let this abomination die a dignified death could they? Had to drag it back into the spotlight. I STILL don’t know who thought this was a good idea. The original Heathers was about punching up at things in power (along with a bunch of other good ideas at the time) and this one seems like it enjoys punching…
I used to be a video editor for a Christian news program. It was basically the news but syndicated on local Xian stations around the country and sanitized for their eyes. So no blood, no violence and nothing salacious could make air. It was all filmed in advance and I had to edit the show and packages down for time.…
I believe her. Even she of the “Alternative facts” deserves belief. But I’d love to ask her how she would feel if the person who attacked her was about to be given a lifetime appointment where he would have authority in decisions over her body.
DC is just fucking clownshoes. Why can’t they pull together a cohesive universe?
I think he’s way too emotional. Crying? Can you imagine if Hillary had done that?
I graduated from High School in mid 90's and there was a kid in my class who turned his back to the flag every single morning for 4 years. Only 1 substitute ever asked him about it and seemed upset but said “I guess that’s your right I just wish you wouldn’t.” And this was in Georgia, not exactly known for an easy…
A good or a bad editor can radically swing how trailers or commercials come across. I’m currently hoping that’s all it is (a bad editor) for the new Venom movie because I want to like it but it looks AWFUL. Maybe a bad trailer? Maybe a bad movie. Won’t know until I check it out.
Zina Bash did it twice. On 2 days of testimony.
protip: When someone asks you a question using Airquotes always respond with just Finger Guns. It’s fun.
Yep because he realized if he wore the same clothes they couldn’t sell the pictures as new. Brilliant. Although if a female did this the gossip would be about how they always wear the same thing.
Man I hated Gruden as a coach but didn’t know why. Then he became an announcer and I realized I had a solid basis for my dislike. Now he’s a coach again and I couldn’t be happier that he appears to be running this like he pronounced names. Poorly.
I never had anything against him before but after watching Hard Knocks Hue should not be a head coach. He seems like he would be a great assistant but doesn’t have the personality or really any leadership traits in the way he talks and the way he motivates and handles his players. Don’t get me started on the GM who…
A surgeon who was on a Bravo Reality show has a potential rape victim list in the 1000's. Also his girlfriend helped to drug and rape these women. JFC what is wrong with the world? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6182207/Reality-star-doctor-girlfriend-suspected-sexually-assaulting-1-000-women.html
Methinks someone is grooming and I don’t like it.
Honestly if you asked me about any of the men or women I knew in highschool I would only be able to recall a few anecdotes. And hell most of them would be wrong. The giant of a guy in high school who always seemed so happy and friendly? He was a functioning alcoholic by 16 who would chug vodka on the drive to school.…