
GSU is having trouble developing the area. They keep running into protests and the surrounding residents don’t want them to do anything at all to develop the area. The city of Atlanta had a lot to do with the Braves not being able to develop around Turner field.

Atlanta basically forced this by refusing to do anything around the old ballpark. They refused to fix up the roads filled with potholes and too narrow for the mass of traffic before and after every game. They refused to allow any development of the surrounding businesses as well. Local residents near the stadium


Call me old fashioned but if you accuse me of child abuse the relationship is over. Fuck off forever.

The thing that got me excited about it was that maybe Podrick won’t try and take on Brienne in pure strength anymore. Also Brienne will start to be more careful of smaller opponents. Essentially in one training session they might have made all 3 better fighters.

Yeah the comments and articles like this always make me realize that many people don’t actually pay that much attention to the show.

The only thing she got out of her rough story was bad memories and some good strategies for being clever. Arya just took on one of the best fighters in the realm and held her own. I think she’s just disappointed. Littlefinger looked fucking terrified though.

Yeah both Tyrion and Jamie come to that conclusion. Jamie and Cersie talk about it. And Tyrion figures it out and mentions it to Joff.

Ok after a bit of googling here is the important info:

At least in the books it’s implied it was Joffrey. He did it because he didn’t think anyone should live as a cripple especially someone high born. It was some kind of fucked up attempt at mercy. Though if that was Tyrion speculating that or not I can’t remember. Maybe Joffrey admitted it?

That was my idea. Why not have John explain “look I want to but everyone will kill me if I do. Can we keep it secret for now?” If John knew anything he would have asked that but as we’ve established....

What was funny was I was wondering how she would fare against two larger adults in full armor. Then I saw her fight Brienne and realized I shouldn’t have worried.

I’m not sure I want my politicians dressing up as a character looking to destroy the world. Or reform the world. Or rapture everyone. Or whatever the hell Gendo’s real agenda is.

Yeah it’s the problem of having this property they should be able to use to print money but they fundamentally hate it. They don’t like the product and as such won’t present it in a form that audiences actually want. They want to change and morph it into something else because it’s what they want. And when that

The restrictions on Legal immigration have Bannon’s fingerprints all over it. That’s some classic B.

I don’t get it. I leave TBS on for my dogs when I’m not home (otherwise they howl at every noise outside) so I’ve seen a few episodes of King of Queens and it’s the most annoying show in the world. There is zero chance of the wife staying with that asshole after some of the shit he pulled. At least with Peter on

I read some bad fan fiction back in the day but this was among the worst. Doesn’t give me hope. 

He definitely looked the same as someone who finds out the phones been tapped. He’s done a ton of shady shit.