
Yay Vita, somebody still loves you! :D

Half Life 3 CONFIRMED.

This is the worst generation gaming has ever seen.

Right, I was talking to Kirk about this last night (while we were playing Destiny, hilariously). We're planning on running our review this week, after we try out the raids, and even THAT feels too early for a game like this. I'm not sure why so many outlets felt comfortable running their reviews so soon after release.

Me in blue paint is the best Cortana.

Three years ago, I produced, wrote, shot, created, etc etc this with a crew of less than 6 people on zero budget in addition to regular duties. http://www.nwcn.com/entertainment/… (that's part I of "Generation Gamer: Life Plugged In" - there's 2 more parts after that). Due to technological limitations at the time at

I agree — that's some skilled pixel art. Plus, a Beetle!

That's AMAZING for '77.

There is quite a bit of overlap between racists and people who have no idea how the Constitution works.

Yay more Ashens!

Quick, to the Ashens phone!

Well, it's nice to see that he's admitting it. I believe he was already in th-