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Even better, a recreation of the Taun-Taun scene from Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back by some friends of mine.

Another photo from work in Seattle.

We have an offical winter-time greeter now.

I discovered Refused just before they broke up. Used to have a friend that worked at Epitaph Records who sent me a stack of CDs one time, "The Shape of Punk to Come" was in that stack. That CD spent a long time in my listening rotation. Nice to hear they are getting back together.

Even though I submitted this to the tips earlier, after a second viewing I noticed something that made me question how real it was. The last shot in the video, in the background is a set of Guitar Hero drums. I can't think of many "scientific laboratories" that would have those.



True, but they have been slowly porting all of the Final Fantasy games out to other systems. At this point it is only a matter of time.

Spyro and Crash, questionable since they are owned my Activision.

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I really like the oCd texture pack by diSCo

Pffffttttt..... It's Command & Conquer: Battlefield, The Mercenaries Army.

Not as good as this one a guy does about B-movies. He edits and narrates. It's very cool. :)

As someone that works at a news station let me say this. The biggest problem is that most of the management are older generation people that mostly still see games as "for kids." I'm lucky they even let me do a game review column for the web site.

I submit the Waaambualnce. :D

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that Red Bull X2011 car already in the game?

First thing I thought of was an old Loony Tunes Cartoon. Good for Monolith and DC to take advantage of the Warner Bros. Animation Dept.

Here's a closer look at that "human error." :D

I like how crap like this gets through and is allowed to be sold, but Stone Loops of Jurassica gets pulled because a different rip off company.

Stephen.....you never seen grenades on walls or ceilings before? You never played a game that has sticky bombs or sticky grenades? Do you live under a rock? :D

Well the service is new. Maybe they'll have the kinks worked out over time.