
Well 6:37am and 38 people are still online playing Halo 2. Servers are still not off, but you can not sign in so in effect they are "off."

It's currently 2:18am Pacific time on 4/16/10. The servers are NOT off. I am on my Original Xbox still playing Halo 2

Jak and Daxter have yet to make the leap to the next gen.

Gotta say I like how in their "What is Criticosm?" page nobody bothered to proof-read for mistakes.

@kNZA: I LOVE this idea.

Always bet on Duke.......

@excel_excel: More than what we have stateside. Plus the Hot Shots Golf give away works for you guys, not for us. #sony

@excel_excel: Yeah but look how much free stuff they get in the mall. #sony

@Alex_Mexico: No, Sony are saying that the "hybrid disc" is an industry first. They are not making a distinction of whether it's Blu Ray or not. So they are incorrect and further embarrassing when the actual "industry first" was on their own system. #ps3

OK lets get some facts straight here guys. This might be a Playstaion first, but not an industry first. The Hulk Game had a Xbox demo on the Hulk DVD back in 2003.

The three Burger King games, gave them to a friend because I some how had extras. #tud

When did this become news? Major Nelson has mentioned many times on his Twitter that he has a PS3 and a Wii in his office. Hell he Twittered about his wife stealing Scribblenauts from him. Seriously this is a non-news item.

Methinks Kotaku went a little sensational with the head line. Nothing is being bleeped, just keeping little Billy or little Jill from downloading Cannibal Corpse or Slayer behind mommy and daddy's back. Basically nothing more than in-game parental control.

A portable system being as expensive as a home system just sounds wrong.

From everything I'm reading, sounds like a rental.

OK I know I'm gonna jinx myself here......I have not had one problem with my PS3 or my 360. *Knocks on wood*

@fleshribbon: No creepy is Johnny Cash singing Du Hast. Try it, you'd think he's summoning the devil himself.

Everyone is sooooo upset over Kurt Cobain being misused in GH5, yet everyone conveniently forgets that you can do the same damn thing with Johnny Cash. Who, I might add is infinitely a bigger star and musical influence than Kurt could ever hope to be.

Now playing

Let's take it one better. How about the Bear masocot/cos-play riding the Darksiders mechanical bull/horse. :D