
Wow. I’d forgot Jack Thompson existed. What’s he doing these days?

PT = Playable Trailer. Kojima was working on a Silent Hill installment when he was booted from Konami.

“Call me if you wanna see the back of my car sometime.”

Yeah, when I worked there, we had that one guy who showed up all the time, never bought anything, and came straight for the counter to talk about how he’d modded his systems, all the games he owned, the rare ones he’d imported, and bullshit like that. And maybe he’d occasionally go through the shelves that were

My worst experience at a GameStop was working there. Oh, the customers were fine, except for the occasionally horrible body oder.

Yeah, when I was about that age, I just got all my Sonic comics at the town general store where nobody cared.

The awful thing is, I suspect that’s actually what they were going for. But they were too stupid to format it well.

Plenty of poor people support Republicans. So I guess I’m not surprised to see so many women supporting Trump.

Everybody forgot to bring their hoods to the Klan rally.

That’s a surprising amount of women, too.

GS Employee: Do you want to add the three year protection plan to your purcha-

If Helena is in there, then I’m satisfied :p

I keep telling friends that I think the reason I love the game so much is that it’s so hard to be great at it, that I can stop worrying about mastering it and just have fun without feeling like I’m letting down the team.

Why is this worth reporting? “Reviewer doesn’t like game.” It’s not even one of your own reviewers. Is io9 going to start giving me AVClub’s movie scores?

Yes, what bothered me the most, as a fan of the Batfamily over Batman himself, was the relationship between Barbara and Tim...

What I’m most curious to see is how your decision to kill Chloe (or not) in the beginning of the episode will affect things. The whole trip into the alternate timeline seems like too big an event to just have been set aside and remain inconsequential.

My thinking was kind of the opposite but it led to the same conclusion. I felt that the game was pushing me so hard towards Nathan and David that it couldn’t be them, and was probably instead the guy who seemed squeaky clean.. Mr Jefferson.

I will always always always get a little happy buzz from people who hate Ready Player One and Armada. Those books are horrendous and Ernest Cline is an awful awful writer. I can’t believe somebody roped Spielberg into adapting that shit.

And Big Bang Theory.

Additional DLC where Damian is Robin. And not some weirdly buffed-up Tim.