
Actually it's totally understandable. I'm the same way with Gawker.

This seems like an odd thing to get worked up about. Maybe a sarcastic "nice going Kotaku" but a "fuck you?"

That's what I was thinking. You can't go a single episode without somebody getting stabbed or having something cut off. It's really just par for the course.

If they're the torrents that I saw, then yeah- the credit music starts early for some reason.

Black swiftly became my go-to "show off my speakers" game.

Really? Because our entire staff has expressed nothing but disappointment. Granted, we're just store-level staff, and aren't privy to the corporate bigwig business talk and such.

I'm so happy that Retronauts lives on. It was my first (and still favorite) podcast, all those years ago.

In that case, I retract the intent behind my comment.

Ignorant generalizations! Everyone can do it!

Somebody alert Conan!

Let's not forget about From Dusk Till Dawn!!

I love the shit out of that movie.

I loved Indigo Prophecy and Heavy Rain, and wouldn't trade my PS3 for a thing.

I would kill for a Zimos auto tune cane.

I work at an undisclosed GameStore as well and it was such a disappointment on Tuesday to see the stacks of this game that we sold.

I'm a Player One Podcast man, myself.

Wow, way to go Robert Ashley. And exactly one year after the last one, to the day!

With Geoff Johns and co. off Green Lantern soon, Gail Simone off Batgirl, and Damian dead with Grant Morrison wrapping up Batman Inc