
mmm ... no I probably stick around

Also ... clearly I’m not a teenager anymore and can handle my shits ))

Your point makes total sense. Still for me this is like a professional gum chewer. Or professional chair sitter. Or professional dog petter. You know what I’m saying? ... also

I’m so far right now from admitting it as a profession ... profession as in being useful to the humankind

No I understand ... but still ... I mean ... come on!!

I’m not judging ... I’m just ... WOW!

I think you meant I should sit at home and play more video games

Chad Thundercock of the gaming community ©

League of Legends Professionals ... come on people!

Some might call this cheating ... just saying

OMG grow up people!!

I need your cloth, your boots, and your quadrocycle ©

Who wears this shoes!!?? Seriously, dude! Put more effort to your shopping, geez! ;))

I refuse to recognize game as "Like Big Budget Game" unless "Press X To Pay Respect" moments are involved in the gameplay! You heard me all right good sir! Now fix that header ...

it says that it took an arrow to its knee ... in a high toned funny voice ... hopefully

How is that awesome? He almost always flies the wrong way!!

НТВ - сурковская пропаганда!

It has to be related to Half Life 3 ... in one way or another!

Couldn't stop myself from making this:

more like creepy pedophile bus