
It's about as dumb as the English-speaking world referring to any vessel with feminine pronouns. Kancolle just takes this image and runs with it.

Oh, and the condom? It's there because someone was so fucking hungry.

I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who renames Red XIII as Nanaki. It makes the team look like they have Alzheimer's when they reach Cosmo Canyon.

Wouldn't that be worse than normal air?

Even if you are a Nintendo fan and will inevitably purchase the NX, you still shouldn't preorder the console this early. The NX won't be out for years. Gamestop wants your money to invest and earn interest with. If you are money smart, you'd do that yourself. By the time the NX is released, you might even be able

Sorry for the late response. March has been a busy month for me.

Oh great. Another person complaining about the boys-only cast.

The four-man band seems to have a wide variety of battle and idle animations. These animations really breathe life into these characters even outside cutscenes.

I can't speak for others, but the linearity of FFX bothered me, too.

A lot of dishes in restaurants in Japan have meat that is pre-cut into bite-sized pieces, like tonkatsu. There is no need to hold up large pieces and shear them with your teeth.

I suddenly feel the urge to buy ten of these hug pillows. I'll set the new standard of cool.

Do you have any examples of gory anime and film?

"Yasuda: Last time, we used Mortal Kombat as a sample American game where you could clearly see cruelty on display. The sensitivity of the Japanese is very resistant to that kind of thing, as Hirabashi observed.

Oh man. Have you ever lived with female roommates? I lived with three of them. All but one left the kitchen a complete mess after using it. It drove me bonkers.

What Sarkeesian was talking about sounded like a quota, because, well, it is. "At least half of the options should be women and, really, it would be great if it was more than half the options were women, and I know some people think I'm completely loony when I say that."

It's one of the best things about the country.

Welp. There goes my idea to impress women with my Dark Souls II speedrun.