
Oh wow. I'm happy I could be of use. I'll be sure to have a look later.

Whoa. I've been playing 3DS games in the exact same order.

No wonder he got hit. He was fat rolling.

Does the stuffed animal come with the car, or is it there only to be objectified?

The Mario franchise is much more variegated than the Assassin's Creed franchise, and has been around for much, much longer. The Mario franchise is better thought of as a collection of distinct games that happen to feature familiar characters.

Looks as dilapidated as Anytown, Midwestern USA/Canada.

They'll have to make a fourth sequel, first.

First of all, the VAST majority of tentacle porn involves rape. That in and of itself is indefensible for many people. You add on the fact that a lot of rape in hentei involves the victim getting into and actually enjoying themselves during the experience, which in and of itself has a lot of negative connotations

Thank the heavens Phantom Lancer is getting reworked. No longer will heroes with single-target skills drown in a sea of illusions while Phantom Lancer Dopplewalks to safety.

It's not pointless. The high ground will hinder divers from using skills, e.g., Phantom Assassin with Phantom Strike. This won't prevent fountain diving, but it will discourage it.

"Earth's most powerful lasers deliver energies on the scale of all of the world's power plants combined."

Those GameFAQs posts are sad. Complaints towards FFXV's all-male cast are unwarranted, and accusations of sexism are misdirected. The elimination of sexism, racism, etc. is not about equal representation. It's about dignity, and as far as we can see at the moment, having an all-male cast does not do an indignity to

All that remains is for somebody to use the FFXV boys to make a gif like this:

To be cursed with life for 106 years. I'm scared to live even half that long.

I like his smile. It looks like he loves his job. I expect great things.

A few of them might have even been cured of heterosexuality!

So playing esports is like any competitive job ever? Working under the watchful eyes of your superiors is extremely common. People need to swallow their pride every once in awhile.

So try not to get caught up in the little irritants (even if redoing this entire Fire Emblem battle because I lost a character is TOTAL BULLSHIT RIGHT NOW) when the game you're playing is largely pretty great. It's like snagging a hangnail on your sleeve while reaching for a slice of pie. Yeah, it stings for a second,

This looks like some kind of instant-kill "Black Hole" finishing move.

That's fair criticism. One of Episode I's common complaints was its poor pacing, e.g., you're shown a 30 minute cutscene, then are thrown into a boss battle. It didn't help that it opened up so many plot threads and threw around so many cryptic references, only to leave their resolutions and answers to sequels which