
What do you even use mayo for? I know it only as a spread for sandwiches. Is it used in cuisine?

So, if ice is supposed to sink in water in China, does that mean all the freshwater fish die in winter?

Ahhh. Shizuoka prefecture. I think I went there once. There's a lot of parkland. It's a very nice place.

7780 square miles? You mean around 20 000 square kilometers, or approximately 5% of Japan's total land area? For one town? Either Kojima is trolling, or you are, good sir.

No RPG has eaten up as much of my youth as Star Ocean 2. Although it was released in the golden age of JRPGs, it had several key features which made it stand out from the rest:

Tractor Beam is actually reused from the Japanese version. I believe it's the only voice clip in the game that does so. No idea why. Maybe they forgot to record it, and were too lazy to call up the English voice actress and invite her back to the recording studio.

"Tear into pieces! Tear into pieces! Tea-Tea-Te-Te-Tear into-Tear int-Tear into pieces!"
"We got a full score with this!"

Essentially "Guess How Many Frames of Latency Exist Between You and This Particular Opponent 2014" to me. Parrying is always a roll of the dice. It's not so much about reading your opponent as it is getting a feel for how bad the latency is. I wouldn't be surprised if the author of the above video ate the pointy

The number is scrambled.

Yeah. Activision acquired Blizzard's holding company, Vivendi Games, in 2008, when World of Warcraft was in its heyday.

2048.6.3 is probably the game's release date.

It's common to preface single-digit dates with 0 for cataloging. That way dates line up in both numerical as well as chronological order.

Not hardcore enough. Make it so that if you die in-game, you die in real life.

My friend and I once played Final Fantasy VII without a memory card.

I agree. Robin Williams is well known in the USA, and as a fan of the Legend of Zelda. Though he was once involved in a commercial with Nintendo of America, he never contributed to the series' development from what I understand, nor had any relationship with Nintendo of Japan, who develops the series. That's not a

Thanks! I will check it out.

Yeah, you're probably right. Come to think of it, many Let's Plays on Youtube are recorded stream footage.

I have a question: Why does nearly every Let's Play of a horror game include a facecam? I don't want to see your ugly mug throughout the video, nor hear your cute, witty banter. Of all the genres, horror games feature facecams most often. Do people really get that much of a kick out of watching extroverts

Assuming these women consume said "deviant porn." If there's anyone who needs to get over oneself, it's you and your preconception that the majority of Japanese watches twisted pornography.

Weak? No shit!