
I don't know. The chocobo theme with lyrics was pretty bad...

They're saying they'll feel like nothing because your future worries will be much larger by comparison.

I have been wondering whether I should finish watching Breaking Bad. Would anyone mind offering a little guidance?

This reminds me of a silly old bowling commercial where an old man was announcing ridiculous moves like "The Pterodactyl" and "The Curly Joe." I can't find it on Youtube for the life of me.

To those wishing damnation upon zoo enclosures: How would you feel if a group of otters burst into your house and chased you out, exclaiming "You're free! Go return to nature!" You'd tell them to get the hell out, then probably call the police.

I once defined variables "GiantEnemyCrab" and "WeakPointForMassiveDamage" on a Computer Science exam before. The professor brought it up to the class (of around 100) as an example of how not to define variables. My mission was accomplished.

I am surprised at how often Japanese run amber and red lights. Amber doesn't mean "slow down;" it means "last call." Kei-cars, sedans, even buses — everyone tries to beat the red. I am afraid to cross the street even after the walk sign is illuminated.

I'd buy one (if I could swallow my pride). It'd be like having a friend in your house!

Your video games require the internet, though, which, if you patronize US ISPs, you're probably paying too much for. And these ISPs are beginning to force content providers like Netflix to pay fees to avoid being throttled. With Comcast's purchase of TWC, there will be less competition among ISPs, as well, so

Just a few more and he'll be able to play Stairway to Heaven for them.

It's about aesthetic sense more than anything, from my perspective. Some people are repulsed by tattoos as much as others are about Crocs. Or Utes. Or Dubstep.

You even get a Happy Meal toy!

Ah, you're right. I'm terrible at noticing eye colour.

I love how they draw her with blue eyes even though they are brown.

Now playing

Kinja fail. I seem to have no idea how to attach videos in this new system.

Do you know Peter Chimaera? Save this one for the really bad days.

That's the face I used to make when Netscape got beyond "calling proxy server."

This depends on your personality, but I found the films "5 Centimeters Per Second" (秒速5センチメートル) and "The Girl Who Leapt Through Time" (時をかける少女) (the 2006 film) to be pretty good. Both stories are simple, yet poignant. 5 Centimeters Per Second, in particular, handles visual storytelling quite well. It's a