
Too bad my last dog couldn't sense her own cancer. /Thousands of tears/

Actually, I specifically avoided mentioning the Q source or Markan priority because of the controversy and uncertainties surrounding them. And, of course, because they provide a convenient straw man to dismiss without actual insight or discussion. I also made no distinction between written and oral sources, I merely

We have "overwhelming testimony" that a man was killed and came back from the dead, hmm? That's your argument? An event that is scientifically impossible and happened by literal magic, but because a bunch of ignorant, primitive sheepherders said so we're supposed to believe it?

You're right. The main reason console gamers don't consider PC gaming is UTTER IGNORANCE about PC gaming.

You neglected to say "no tagbacks, no black magic" ergo, ipso facto your theory is invalid. Good day, sir. I said, good day.

OK, I'll concede The Rock. And nothing more.

I know I'm going to get so much shit for this, 'cos I know a lot of people loved it, but I've never been more disappointed with a movie in my life. Shallow, nonsensical, badly scripted, badly performed bollocks that was barely more entertaining than a Micheal Bay movie. Del Toro can do so much better.

Yes kiddos, ya just need to toughen up and quit bein' a pussy. That'll solve all yer problems. Take it from this seasoned vet, got a problem? Solve it. Duh. Pain makes ya stronger, like a goddamn RPG. Thats how life works, like a movie. Any more brain busters ya'll pussies got for this fella?

Teacher here—-a thousand times yes to this! Teenagers aren't lazy—they have different circadian rhythms. Frankly, it's amazing to me how many do okay 1st period when they are fighting to bring their systems online.

Looks like it worked since Peirs is finito.

What is rocket surgery?

I never finished Sopranos, but I remember hearing of the ending way back when it aired, as my dad was a watcher and was severely displeased with it. As far as I know, it does end without a true resolution. Fades to black on a major cliffhanger.

I suppose you could lube it up and go pillow bombing but the opening seems pretty generous for that.

Apparently, there is no evidence that MtGox ever operated as a card exchange.

I prefer to store my virtual currency in the Diablo III marketplace. I do it for the piece of mind.

No kidding and it wasn't even a successful card trading exchange. Can't be surprised about it failing something even more complicated.


Little too pulpy at times and the sex scenes are gratuitous and eye rolling, but otherwise an extremely fun and occasionally smart show.

So... it's a fishtank cleaner?

I probably don't agree with your outlook on guns overall, but I like your thought process at least.